Sunday, April 23, 2006

I Promise A Good Post

Ok, more to come later for a great post (it is in the works). We all know I hate cats, just watch this video, it is disturbingly wicked awesome (I'm sure I'll get yelled at, but oh well!).

Haha, that is what I call funny!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm Back

So it is 630 in the morning, and I find myself wide awake. Why? I don't know, I didn't go to bed til a little past midnight. Ah well, I'll use the time to finally update my blog, and then use the rest of the time as quiet time to reflect and spend time with God (I sure do enjoy having time with the big guy upstairs, makes the whole day go by great). It surely has been a while since I have updated my little site. It really does make me kind of sad. I haven't had much of the creative juices as of late (actually it becomes a bit hard to write stuff, and not have people read it, or comment if they do read it. I do this for feedback, it makes my poor jokes atleast halfway funny).

What else have I been up to? Trying to graduate, and find a job so I can get some more income. The Easter walkthrough is coming up this week, and wouldn't you know it. The week before the performance, I was demoted from the apostle Peter, back to Judas. Why? I don't know, but the press release said because I play smug real well (I really don't know if that is an insult or a compliment). I'll do what I gotta do, and go hang myself 12 more times. I did get to play in a golf tournament on Monday. My team shot a -15. What a round for a 4 man scramble. I've seen lower scores, but that was the lowest in the tournament. 1st place baby! What did we win? A $75 dollar gift certificate to a ridiculously overpriced proshop. I mean, all I could get for the prize I had was a dozen Pro V1x golfballs (retail $48 a dozen) and three pair of socks. I got ripped. Then again, it is a proshop.

When contemplating the enigma that is online (on why I get such little feedback on my blogger site), I was told by my friends, "We're too lazy to click a link to get to your site. Why don't you be like everyone else and just post on xanga or 'porn-space'(side note: porn-space is the name I've given to myspace, the current online phenomenon)? Then we would surely post." The answer? I am not going to be like all the other shmucks out there who post on xanga or 'porn-space'. I don't like either format, and plus, I love it here on blogger. Conformists. (Sidenote, if you would like to comment on my site, it is quite simple, and here is how to do it: 1. click on comment, 2. write your comment in the space provided, 3. of the three options on how to be listed for the comment, click other if you do not have a blogger account or if you don't want to be anonymous, 4. type in how you want to be known, and if you'd like, type in your webpage or email, 5. click submit. Damn, that sure is easy, and not complicated at all). I'm not angry, just disgruntled.

So, I devised an idea that would revolutionize the way online blogging works. Interactive posts. Thats right, I said Interactive posts. You may be asking me, how do interactive posts work? It is really simple, let me tell you how I figure it. I sent out this email:
Hey my friends, yes, thats right all of you (I view y'all as friends, so rejoice!). Well, in the interest of doing the awesomest blog ever, I am going to ask you to do me a huge your spare time, and since you all are friends of mine, I know that y'all have tons of it, I would like you to write a sentence or two about what you think of me, basically a paragraph that you view me as (i.e. Hi, I'm Nick....things you think about me, see its easy!). These comments will be posted on my blog at This is just a completely random and odd concept but I want to see how it goes, so please, I beseach you, respond. Write a little somethin somethin bout me. I will be very happy.
This email was sent out back during spring break. March 12th. Yes, a long time ago. I know my friends weren't doing much, because I wasn't doing much, and we were all hanging out together. I even pestered them about a response. Almost to the point of being annoying (come on, I want to only provide the best for my adoring audience). I got very little feedback, and when I say little feedback I mean it. ONLY 3 PEOPLE RESPONDED! (only two wrote something, and the third made a promise and didn't come thru). First, I get this email from Joe, my long time best friend from back in highschool:
Alright, you want a comment about what I think about you. mmm.........I am debating on what to write. Give me a couple of days and I will have something cool for you.
Elloquent. This coming from the guy who has more dirt on me than the AP has on the current WhiteHouse administration. Who knows, maybe he'll get around to sending his ideas in, we'll see.

The next to write me was Misty. Now, when I wrote this email, I may not have been clear on what it was I was looking for, and after I got her response I kind of felt bad, not because of what she said persay, but what I thought about what she said, and what I was really looking for. Take a look:
I think you are a kind person, very friendly. I believe that in a majority of situations your means of communication involves humor. You're loud and sometimes judgmental (not in a bad way). You have strong beliefs in many different realms of your life and you hold firm to your beliefs and are never afraid to stand up to someone who challenges you. And you also are a question people in order to understand who they are. You are very forward and speak your mind. I also believe you are a very reactive person. In most situations you respond very quickly with the emotion the circumstance evoked in you. And lastly, but most importantly, you are an awesome and reliable friend. You are very close with those you consider friends and you have their back even before they need you there. I am truly blessed to have you a part of my life.
That's a real tear jerker. A Lifetime channel special. I really do appreciate all that she had to say about me. I am blessed to have her as a friend in my life as well (look mom, I really am a nice and considerate person, I really am!). Unfortunately, I felt bad about this reply because it comes across as I was looking for people to say really nice things to make me feel good about myself. I was just looking for funny comments about me, as if I were talking about myself.

So, time passes by, I keep checking my email, hoping that someone will finally get up the courage to email me a response that I have been so eagerly awaiting. Then a week and a half later, I get this from my friend Le':
Hello, my name is Nick (or as some people call me, Inbred Jed). Yesterday I was lick'n the belly of an armadillo when it hit me how dang good looking I am. I mean, shoowee!, I am dead sexy. I was barefoot in HEB the other day (the only way to shop) when I noticed all the fine looking women pay'n me tenshon. Shoot! Some of dem even had all der teef! Well, I'm not usually da foward type, but I finally mustard up da kurage to say sumthin. "Howdy! My name is Nick" I'll be darned if she didn't scream and rundoft. I realized I had a pig under my arm and dat dere pig didn't smell allful swell, so I couldn't blame her. But once I put the pig away, I found myself anuther woman. She screamed and rundoft too! That's when it hit me! Dem Women was scared of my good looks! So I decided to send off for one of dem foreign womens dat know no better. She should be coming soon. She's coming all the way from China and she only cost $5 plus shipin! She comes with her own pump (why would she need a pump? Those foreigners sure are weird). Anywho! DAt's all fur now. I got to go wrestle a coon for my lunch.

Wow, this is what I was looking for...? I must say, finally someone who took the idea and ran with it, all the way out of the room, and behind the outhouse. What can I say? He really does see me as a hillbilly (although I don't lick armadillos, walk around barefoot in HEB, unless I'm out in the bluff, because there everyone does it. Nor do I carry around pigs, or order women online). Women do run away screaming from me though, and that is because of my good looks. See?
I told you, I am good looking (ok, thats not me, I googled that picture, but still) I am good looking! Some project I attempted. I got little feeback from people I call friends. I was right to start off the email by calling them deviants. Well, what else do you expect from college students? It could be worse, they all could have written things like Le' did (although it is funny). Maybe I should post this entry on xanga or 'porn-space'....uh no. People just need to learn not how to be so damned lazy not to click on two links so they can comment where I want to blog. It is not like I'm asking them to part the Red Sea or anything. I refuse to compromise. If I go with one or less comments, so be it.

If you feel like it, go to my comments and follow the example brought forward by Le'. Take your best shot. If that is all it takes to get you (my adoring audience to write me, then so be it, just stop being lazy). Until next time.

I had a partner! I would have taken a bullet for him! You I'm having a hard time not shooting!