Friday, June 30, 2006

Sounds Like Time for a Good Post

Many times I've wondered who actually reads what I write? I mean, I know of a few people, but that is only because I stand over their shoulders and make a point that they should read what I write (but that isn't quite the same, I want to know the unbridaled reader of my blog). I am funny, well I think that I'm funny, people tell me I'm funny...actually they say it more like this, 'yeah sure, you are quite the funny guy there..sure are'. I could be mistaken, because I bet that could be considered as sarcasm. I try to be funny, I really really do. So, as I said the other day, the winds of change are a blowing, but I'm still keeping quite mum on the whole ordeal until later when I will hold a press confrence.

So, 'Superman Returns' opened in theaters, and I went with a mass of people to go see the man of steel return to the big screen. Movie was good, Superman had a bastard child, saved the world from Lex Luthor, so on and so on (well according to Le', Superman married Lois Lane in 'Superman 2', and therefore the child is NOT a bastard, but then again, what does Le' know?). I'm running out of creative and funny ideas. I need to come up with some new ones. I need a creative muse. I need to go and buy some creative juices so that I can be funny once more. I need to stop saying I need.

Life as a college graduate isn't all that it appears to be. I mean, what has changed? Other than the fact that I owe a few thousand dollars to the government? (hmm, wonder if I could get away with pointing out that the government should focus on its own debt before it comes and bugs me about mine? nah, they're the government, they can do what they want to do).

I have great friends. From top to bottom, well, not really on the bottom because they would have had to do something bad to end up on the bottom (I'm just kidding, I have a great group of friends that I have acrewed during my time on this earth, really I have). Maybe I should get a list together and write what it is that makes them special to me? Sure, why not? Well, here is why not, I wouldn't want to offend anyone by leaving them off the list. So I'll keep mum on this list (wow, I've said mum twice in one post, it is scary). I tried to get people involved in my blog, tried to make it interactive, I even sent out emails to people, trying to ge them to respond to build up intrest. I got 4 responses. Never again. Honestly, well, we will see if I ever try that one again.

Man, I am no longer funny. Just a washed up comedic hack. Better not quit my day job, (wait I don't have a day job, aw crap, now I'm doubly depressed).
Mal: What was that?
Wash: Did you see that?
Mal: Was that the primary buffer panel?
Wash: It did seem to resemble...
Mal: Did the primary buffer panel just fall off my gorram ship for no apparent reason?
Wash: Looks like!
Mal: I thought Kaylee just checked the entry couplings! I have a very clear memory of...
Wash: Yeah, well, if she doesn't get us some extra flow from the engine room to offset the burnthrough, this landing is gonna get pretty interesting.
Mal: Define "interesting".
Wash: "Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die"?

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Howling Wind

Ok, the World Cup is over, and the US was bounced out by the officiating. Man, when I was a player, boy did I just want to kick the referees. Then again, that is the fun part of the game, human error. It just happens. So, now its time to watch the tourney just to enjoy the game of soccer. Sweet. Oh want to see what happens when other officials in other sports get the ire of coaches and players? check this out:

Okay, now onto a bit of nuttyness. In the county of Turkey, the Muslim hardliners have had 'Winnie the Pooh' banned from their networks. All because the show has that one character, Pigglet, a dirty little pig. I guess that means the poor little children in Turkey are also forbidden to watch the likes of 'Babe', 'Charolette's Web', and due to Arthur, 'Green Acres' (Even I won't watch the upcomming 'Charolettes Web', only because Oprah and Julia Roberts are in it). Oh wait, by this standard Allah would even forbid *gasp* 'The Muppet Show', all because of that ueber diva, Mrs. Piggy. Of course, for those of us who grew up watching the muppets, we all know how Mrs. Piggy would react, and that is by pimpslapping Allah with her trademark 'HIYAH' !!! Then again, the muslim extreemists would kill non-muslims because it isn't fair to talk in a derogatory manner about Allah, yet they can call Jews and Christians 'pigs', and 'infadels'. I don't see anyone going on a crusade over that. Man I hate double standards. In defense of muslims, I have some muslim friends, and they don't hold the same view as those extremists. I respect them, because they don't believe in a double standard. I hate double standards.

Other stupidity in the world, in Wales, a play house is showing 'The Jerry Springer Play', in which by all accounts, is very anti-Christian. It portrays Jesus (as a self admited 'semi-gay'), the virgin Mary (who claims to have been raped by God), and our soverign Lord as a bumbling oaf. They go as far as to have Eve give Jesus a handjob onstage. Yet here in America, a movie is given a PG-13 rating because it has a religous theme. I just dont' get it. If this play made fun of muslims (portraying Mohammed acting as a pedafile), the entire world would be in an uproar, because it is only fair to pick on Christians.
Then again, look at what people hold in views of Christians:

So what if the "Da Vinci Code" movie is perceived as anti-Christianity? Christianity itself is clearly "anti" every other religion as well as anti-agnostic and anti-atheist, but you don't hear those other groups (except the Muslims and Scientologists) whining about it.

I figure that any religion that is so insecure and defensive that they have to complain about every perceived deviation from church dogma and scripture, couldn't have much going for it in the way of credibility or the faith of its believers. And if the Christian hierarchy is worried that their poor gullible followers might conceivably believe the "Da Vinci Code" version of the Christ story, even after years of indoctrination, then perhaps a credibility gap already existed in their beliefs

I'm just at a loss for words. The enemy holds on tight to the world, even though he is defeated. Alas, whatever the joke that is made at a Christians expense, the final retrobution is ours, as we ascend into Heaven. It is sad as well, because those who turn against Christ, get an aweful descent. Continue to pray for them all.

The winds of change are blowing, something is on the horizon, I'll keep you posted.

Perry: Look up idiot in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?
Harry: A picture of me?
Perry: No! The definition of idiot. Which you #&*$! are!