Saturday, October 21, 2006

I'm So Ashamed!

Well, hello there. Long time no talk. I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself. Can you believe it? I'm a cheater. I found a mistress, and by doing so, I have taken for granted something that has been there for me from the beginning. Why? I can't believe that I let myself become such a bastard. I better be careful, because I wouldn't want to end up in a Deutarotamy 23:1-3 situation. That could be bad. What is this talk of cheating am I talking about? Are there people freaking out assuming that I have found someone else and I have not been faithful to Brooke? No, she's all there for me. What I'm talking about is my extra-blogging affair that I've had on blogger. I have found myself dwelling in the land of *sigh* myspace. Oh mylanta. What have I done? I've gone from the classy lady of the internet to the easy hussy that hangs out on the corner of dirty-internet lane. I feel so dirty. Then again, am I really to blame? Can I pull the new American perspective and cast the blame on to someone else? Sure, why not. One reason I find myself dwelling in myspace land is the fact I get comments there! Can you believe it? People actually come and comment on myspace. Far more than just the few close people that take my blog to heart, and really enjoy its endearing comments. This site isn't going to put skanky advertisements in your face. I feel ashamed. As well I should be.

So, now that I've confessed my transgressions, I know that there are those who are wondering.....what have I been up to? We remember you moving to East Texas, I hear them thinking, then what? Well, to be honest...I've been doing the job hunt thing. I've done an interview, alot of applications, and a feeling of rejection. It is a little upsetting when you know you are called to go somewhere, and yet, things don't just fall in your lap. I stay positive, but it can be pretty hard. One extremely pleasant surprise though, I found the girl of my dreams. Talk about happy. That is how she makes me feel when ever we are around, and when I just think about her. I've become a sap. Sappy, I'm like a pine tree that has been cut. Sap everywhere. I should be ashamed, but I'm not. All y'all will just have to get over it. Other than that I got myself a job at a driving range while I search for a 'real' job. Then on to golf...
There has been something that has been bothering me though. Part of why I was called back home was to focus on my golf game. The work of it is going good. I'm falling in another area. For a long time, I've had a problem with my temper. I was one to fill with anger rather quickly
  • ang*er(nggr) n. A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.
but this only occurs when I encounter some extreme frustration
  • frus*ra*tion(fr-strshn) n. 1. a. The act of frustrating or an instance of being frustrated. b. The state of being frustrated. 2. Something that serves to frustrate.
I have come to the realization that I have slid quite a bit in terms of my temper management. I have not had a major blast like the one that occured a couple years ago that brought my issue to ahead, but I've had quite a few microbursts. These have occured mainly on the golf course. I can not proceed in this venue with this kind of problem. I recognize the problem, and I know that I am aware of the process needed to fix it. The Man upstairs is going to have to be a major part of it, but I as well must accept responsibility. I need to focus He is the reason I play, and where I was given my talent. I have been failing in that area. That hurts a lot, and is the reason why I don't seem to be progressing any more. Of course they say that knowing is half the battle. So, that is what I've been up to. Trying to find a job, being a lousy worse half to blogger, and adoring Brooke. Next week, a road trip to Corpus Christi. Be warned. See you Friday!
What Nostalgic Super Nintendo Game are you?

Zelda: Link to The Past
You are Zelda: a Link to The Past. You are a classic tale of maiden fair locked up in the tower of an evil villain, and the brave somewhat dashing hero that comes to save her. Save fairies in bottles to rejuvinate you during battle and you should be okay.
Oh yeah, that is the other thing I've been up to. Sweet.
We have enjoyed preparing many of your esoteric dishes. Your Monte Cristo sandwich is a current favorite among the adventurous.