Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm Feeling Guilty

I am feeling really guilty right now because I have gone an entire week, and I have not posted one thing during that span. I have let you, my faithful audience suffer because of my lackluster initiative to post. I feel like I am a disgrace to the blogging world. Unfortunatly, I will continue to let you down since I have no new news (that just sounds and reads extremely weird). I do want to give a few pictures for y'all, that way I can prove to each and every one of you out there, that I truely do care about you.

First, I give you the house invader pictures. The other evening, I was walking through the house, and low and behold I find an amphibian just strolling down the hall. That just couldn't be since I didn't let him in, so this was a very interesting find on my behalf. Well, since I have two other amphibians (the turtles) I placed this new amphibian in the tank, curious to see if they would eat this frog. Well, the pictures paint a completely differnt scene that what they're true motives were. Yes, the turtles, once realizing that this was a living critter in their domain, tried to eat it, but I intervened and threw the frog outside to run for its life. So I give to you, 'Turtles and Frog'...
See, I told you that the stupid turtle wanted to show a sign of friendship among amphibians, but in truth, he was just waiting for the frog to get off his back and become his meal.
He's at it again, trying to look innocent and pure. This turtle is a liar! He would like nothing more than to devour that frog, but I wouldn't give him the chance. Now I have to hear about it because I never let him do anything he wants to do (which in all honesty, I do, because all he wants to do is sit on his rock and do nothing, so his arguments are pointless).

Now, onto the next two pictures, and these are posted speciffically for my mother, since she will probably forget how to read her e-mail, I am posting the two sets of golfclubs I'd like them to choose from, for my graduation present. Either the Cleveland CG1 irons...
Which are just straight boss, and maybe help me get to the next level of my golf game (I'm tired of hoovering just over par, I'm ready to go under par!). Or they can go with the classic looks of the Ping S59 irons, which would match nicely with my Ping Bag, and G2 Driver (that club by the way is super boss, I've hit balls over 20 miles with that club)...
There ya have it, a new post for my faithful audience. I am truely sorry that I have no funny stories to share, yet. Saturday I will be at a church bonfire, and I'm sure that I will have stories to tell from that, and more pictures (maybe I'll throw Le in the bonfire for making fun of me, and telling a waitress to remember my face, because there is money in it. Thats right, he told her my face was on wanted posters AT THE POST OFFICE!!! He told her I was a wanted fugitive. Guess he would deserve to be thrown in the bonfire, just don't want him to get burnt too badlly, just a singe mabye).

Television. Television is the explanation for this - you see this in bad television. Little assault guys creeping through the vents, coming in through the ceiling - that James Bond crap never happens in real life! Professionals don't do that!

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