Thursday, January 05, 2006

Let's Keep it Short

Ok, since I have only a short period of time, lets cut out the small talk. I made it safely back to Corpus last Friday (yipee?). Anyways, it took nearly 5 hours to get here from Houston (3 hour drive usually). We would have made it back sooner, but Le' had a flat, and we could only go 55 mph due to the donut (why can't all cars have real spare tires that are normal?!). I have spent this week looking for new empolymnet since I was 'let go' by my last place, but the only things I can find, are jobs where it would be a 2 dollar pay cut. No bueno. I'll keep looking, I'm sure that I'll find something.

New Years went off without a hitch...Well, Le' and Adde are now engaged. I'm excited for them, but its another year where I'm alone, still (insert pitty party here). Maybe I should run my personal ad again, and broaden the scope a bit, for a few more prosepctive clients. We shall see. Found out that someone I didn't know read my blog...hehe, maybe this could be a time to give this person a really hard time about the hicke...I mean dog scratch on their neck..(if it isn't obvious who I'm talking about, then too bad for you, because I know I'm laughing).

The house has been redecortated because Mark took all his junk, and some of mine, but that was expcected. Life on the coast is getting back to normal, just needing a new room mate, and it seems Tony might have someone in mind, we shall see (if it works out, talk about living it 24/7 as Le' put it, and so true it that will be). This week is almost over, and school starts soon. Joy. I'm ready. Let me guess, lots of term papers? Yep. No direction after this semester? Uh huh. Bring it on.

Hey, this is the police. Move your busted-ass vehicle. Move, move, move, move. This is the LAPD. We'll pop one in your ass. We got guns and stuff.

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