Sunday, September 17, 2006

What in the Blue Blazes?! I am the Wild Blue Yonder!

So, I've been quite incognito when it comes to the land of this thing called 'the in-ter-net (sp?)'. Wondering what I've been up to? No, I didn't think so. I've been living life. Could be better, could be worse. Isn't that always how life goes. I wish to strive to for higher, and I do try, but sometimes I feel inadequate. We all fall short of the glory of God, but isn't it awesome that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us that even though we fall short, we still have been given that unbelievable gift. At times (in my opinion, a lot of the time) I'm guilty for taking that concept for granted. We are still called to be exemplary, and shine for Christ in everything we do. E-V-E-R-Y THING. I found out what a positive feeling it can be for being that kind of light in how we show ourselves in public. Ok, backstory first though...

Around this time last year, actually about 2 weeks from now, I missed my flight back to Corpus from Longview. That meant I had to catch a flight out the next morning at 545 in the morning. Talk about a blast. Well, I was not the happiest of people knowing that I wouldn't be getting to the surprise party that was being thrown for me back in Corpus that night (yes, I knew well before hand). Anyways, that next morning, I'm sitting in the lobby, waiting to board the plane. There was a father and daughter sitting next to me, and the father noticed that I was reading my bible. It started a conversation that lasted all the way from Longview to the DFW airport. That is all I thought about it.
Until this past week. I went to pick up dinner at our local Applebees (yes, I was a little to lazy to fix dinner that night). Anyways, when the waitress brought me the order, she looked at me and goes, "You look really familiar." I get that alot. I am a want to be famous guy. Turns out she was the girl who was at the airport nearly one year ago. She then told me that she remembered what her father and I talked about, and that was crazy in my opinion. I doubt that if I had talked about something else, or hadn't been willing to share the gospel, she'd have never remembered me. In some way, I had an effect on her life, how ever small it might have been. That is why we should try our best to be what Christ would want us to be. I'm trying, how about you?

Ok, that was kind of like an 'Afternoon Special' on NBC, but unlike those, what I just talked about, is 100% true. Anyways. Life in the Piney Woods is quite nice. About as hot as Corpus, but there are a heck of alot more trees. Brooke and I are doing great, although she yells at me alot and calling me names. Then again, everyone calls me names, so I don't complain. The next tournament I play in, which will be on the 21st of October, turns out will have a 'celebrity guest' attending. The one and only Matthew McConaghey will be in attendance. How awesome for me, right? I just totally enjoy being around him, just like being in a tent filled with malaria carrying mosquitoes. Anywho, I saw this Family Guy clip, and it just made me laugh a whole lot, and kind of expresses how I feel about this actor (to be honest, I've heard that he has mellowed out since his nude bongo arrest in Austin), so I wouldn't wish it on him. We will see how it goes next month. But check this clip anyways.

Well guys and gals, I'll keep y'all posted on everything that is going on here in the Piney Woods, and so on and so on. Nothing funny to write tonite, but soon, hopefully soon, I'll have something funny to post.
If you ever leave me with a kid again I'll make sure you never have one. You have no idea what those screaming booger eaters are like. They expect you to... know stuff!

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