Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This Would be Number 75

Can you believe it? This is my 75th blogger blog. That is totally amazing. Not the fact that Blogger is willing to host 75 posts from me, but the fact that I can be mostly creative and funny for an astounding 75 times. Please hold your applause, and no flash photography, thank you. So how do I commemorate this amazing achievement? Well, I try to make funny. Maybe I can come up with something hysterical, something that will make you spew milk out of your nose as you are reading this (hopefully it doesn't mess up your computer monitor). So I came up with a wonderful idea on how to mark this special occasion, and involve my fans, but I've already tried the whole send an email to ask people to write back what they think (apparently my friends can't think that well, or they're just too lazy to write me a simple email). It would have been cool to see what people have to say about the first 74 posts I've written, and to hear what it is that they've liked most. If you chose to do that though, and you are someone who will actually say something..post it as a comment! I'll be glad to hear what you have to say. So I have this to use as a commemorative tool for my blog here:
Well, it has been a solid month since I have moved back to the Piney Woods, and there are a few major points on the news front. The top headline is I have found someone I am totally sold to, and could not find a reason not to be with her. Brooke is just totally amazing and awesome. I look forward to every chance I get to spend with her, whether it be just an hour or two for lunch, or the entire evening on a romantic date (hush all of you skeptics, I do know how to be romantic, just ask Brooke). Yes that is the most important headline I have to share. Other top stories since I've been here? Well for one, which my parents would probably think should be the top story as of late...I still have yet to find a job. I have quite a few leads, but nothing signed sealed and delivered (even Brookes family is getting in on the act asking when I'm going to get that elusive job). Oh, here is something else that I know quite a few people will love to hear, but won't read it here because they are to lazy to come visit me on blogger. I have created a *gasp* myspace account. Check it out....ask me to be your friend, and if I like you, I'll add you, if not? Well I'm sure I like you so you should be added.

Well, the inbred Jed came out today....I caught me a hummingbird. Yes, one of those fast flying tiny birds (and sorry Brooke, but they don't have a big sharp beak to peck you with and hurt you, they're gentle). Unfortunately, I have yet to find a snake, which has made me sad, but Brooke is sure glad that has been the case. She hates snakes, but she has agreed to go see 'Snakes on a Plane', isn't she an awesome girlfriend? I sure think so. Well, that's all I got. I hope that you have enjoyed this 75th post on blogger as much as I have (or should have).

Somebody asked me today, "Phil, if you could be anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?" And I said to him, "Prob'ly right here - Elko, Nevada, our nation's high at 79 today." Out in California, they're gonna have some warm weather tomorrow, gang wars, and some *very* overpriced real estate. Up in the Pacific Northwest, as you can see, they're gonna have some very, very tall trees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Myspace account? What are you doing conforming to the gross popularity of a fad created by mindless drones?

Just kidding...by the way Christian called and he wants his nickname back.

You could always teach at LHS. As for a favorite post...probably the one where my name is mentioned because I am that awesome.

Peace out dude.