Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Charisma Finally Won Over!

Just to let everyone know out there in the wild world, I have asked Brooke to marry me Tuesday night, and she has said yes (actually her first words were, "are you kidding me?" and of course then she said yes). I am officially engaged. It has happened. Let that be a lesson to all of those who told me it never would, or only after hell froze over. Check it out!
I can't believe it finally happened, but she and I are so extremely excited, and we are looking forward to the future. God is amazing, and amazes us all. This is going to be a crazy 4 months, because we have already set the date as August 4th, location to be announced.


Unknown said...

It looks like I'm the only one that wishes you well...or that reads your blog...either one is sad but don't worry I'm still your friend even if you don't call or write ...or visit...wait a minute why am I your friend?

Joe said...

And what a crazy wedding it's going to be. I heard about the guy officiating it, eh...not sure about that choice.

Congrats again.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am glad I didn't hold my breath until you called. I'm glad you are engaged. Not to pull a mike but you should call... especially since I called you first... and you said you'd call me back.