Sunday, January 18, 2009

History this Tuesday?

Now, I know that I have claimed that I would stay away from making this blog anything political (even though I have been known to be extremely outspoken, I don't want to mix it with my funny-ness). Regardless, I find myself at a high level of irritation with this upcoming inauguration on Tuesday. At work I find out that it will not be a 'work day' for my clients as they will be given time to watch Barrack Obama be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. Every where I look, people are talking about how this is a historic moment in our history. I'm sorry, but that I have to dis-agree with that, as this is the 44th president to take the oath of office. HE WILL BE NUMBER 44! Not number 1, that distinction goes to George Washington.

Ok, so what about his race? He will be the first 'black' president in the history of our Union. Now here is where I draw the distinction, why is it just me that could care less what color or ethnicity our president will be? I could care less if our president was black, white, yellow, green, red, or purple. For pete's sake, our next president could be freakin Barney the Purple dinosaur. The only thing that I can think of that could keep Barney out of the Whitehouse would be the fact that he isn't the minimum age of 35....then again, they say dinosaurs have been around for at least 165 million years, so that could make him eligible. So, why is such a big deal being made out of this inauguration? If we are supposed to move past racism, why continue to make this kind of distinction, because it (whether people want to agree with this or not) fosters thoughts of racism. We are pointing out someones ethnicity, and singling them out. That is the basic requirement of racism (and as far as I am concerned, that is all that is needed to make a racist remark). I am against pointing out ANYTHING that singles someone out because of their ethnicity.

So why are we so worked up about this inauguration? Simply because it shows how much the media is up the liberal agendas rearend. I can't say that makes me feel comfortable. Such a fuss was made back in 2005 when W was being sworn back in for his second term (roughly $40 million was spent for that program to go down...extremely wasteful spending the media dubbed. Yet this inauguration will cost the the American taxpayer $120 million?! The outrage? None, but instead this is being labeled as a historic moment in our history). What the crap?!

It just makes me sick. I think I will call in sick on Tuesday, because I'm sick of our government, our society, and just the pure hypocrisy that is all that has become 'The United States of America'.

1 comment:

Cowan Clan said...

I can't believe I am just not seeing this post. Pff! Anyways, the guy isn't black to begin with. He was raised by a rich white momma...he is more white than I am!