Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Angry Blog

Ok, what the heck? At one point this blog was getting nearly 20 comments a post, but now, I average 0.7 comments per post. In the eternal words of Le' Cowan, 'What the crap?'. I know that there are those out there who read this, but are to big of cowards to comment, like for example my mother, who I know reads what I write nearly every post. I know this because she yells at me whenever I say something that she doesn't agree with, things that she says I blow out of proportion, like beating me with a broom stick, or when I'm just being plain stupid. Then there are others, the lurkers, these people only read but never post. They're like peeping toms hiding in a tree across the street, and the only time you get a comment out of them is when they are spotted and put on the spot. Well, to you lurkers out there, grow a backbone, and post dang you, POST!

Le', you are correct, we need to get our blogs syndicated. Gain exposure, grow a fan base that will be loyal, like the bloggers of old who bust up evil political schemes. Thats what we need to do. That, or become secret bloggers, and just talk bad about folk, because no one will ever read what we write. Thats just me though.

Another angry comment, but not a problem really, is Mark left shortly before christmas, and thats the last I've heard from him. He's talked to others, I know because they've told me, but not a word to me. I'm not hurt, just kind of miffed. You live with someone, you'd atleast expect a holiday call, or just a curtosy call to inform you that they made it safe and sound to their location. You'd think. Ah well, thats Butters.

I have cable, and internet at the house yet I am posting from campus. What the crap? I'm just a horrible blogger. Never funny, and I have only one true fan, who incidentally, I'm the biggest fan of their blog. So its a bit symbiotic in our commenting lifespans. GAH!

Baby! Baby!... Why does he say this "baby"? The Führer has never said "baby". I did not write, "baby". What is it with this, "baby"?


Anonymous said...

You told me not to post on your blog because I know the truth about you, more than you would want the world to know about. But if you want postings I am sure that I can help you out and I will be giving your grandmother your blog address so she can also let the world know the real Nick. And you are not suppose to tell people that I beat you with a broom stick.


The Beav said...

But you do beat me with a broom stick. I just wish that you'd go back to the ol wooden one, because that aluminum one hurts like heck.