Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This Would be Number 75

Can you believe it? This is my 75th blogger blog. That is totally amazing. Not the fact that Blogger is willing to host 75 posts from me, but the fact that I can be mostly creative and funny for an astounding 75 times. Please hold your applause, and no flash photography, thank you. So how do I commemorate this amazing achievement? Well, I try to make funny. Maybe I can come up with something hysterical, something that will make you spew milk out of your nose as you are reading this (hopefully it doesn't mess up your computer monitor). So I came up with a wonderful idea on how to mark this special occasion, and involve my fans, but I've already tried the whole send an email to ask people to write back what they think (apparently my friends can't think that well, or they're just too lazy to write me a simple email). It would have been cool to see what people have to say about the first 74 posts I've written, and to hear what it is that they've liked most. If you chose to do that though, and you are someone who will actually say something..post it as a comment! I'll be glad to hear what you have to say. So I have this to use as a commemorative tool for my blog here:
Well, it has been a solid month since I have moved back to the Piney Woods, and there are a few major points on the news front. The top headline is I have found someone I am totally sold to, and could not find a reason not to be with her. Brooke is just totally amazing and awesome. I look forward to every chance I get to spend with her, whether it be just an hour or two for lunch, or the entire evening on a romantic date (hush all of you skeptics, I do know how to be romantic, just ask Brooke). Yes that is the most important headline I have to share. Other top stories since I've been here? Well for one, which my parents would probably think should be the top story as of late...I still have yet to find a job. I have quite a few leads, but nothing signed sealed and delivered (even Brookes family is getting in on the act asking when I'm going to get that elusive job). Oh, here is something else that I know quite a few people will love to hear, but won't read it here because they are to lazy to come visit me on blogger. I have created a *gasp* myspace account. Check it out....ask me to be your friend, and if I like you, I'll add you, if not? Well I'm sure I like you so you should be added.

Well, the inbred Jed came out today....I caught me a hummingbird. Yes, one of those fast flying tiny birds (and sorry Brooke, but they don't have a big sharp beak to peck you with and hurt you, they're gentle). Unfortunately, I have yet to find a snake, which has made me sad, but Brooke is sure glad that has been the case. She hates snakes, but she has agreed to go see 'Snakes on a Plane', isn't she an awesome girlfriend? I sure think so. Well, that's all I got. I hope that you have enjoyed this 75th post on blogger as much as I have (or should have).

Somebody asked me today, "Phil, if you could be anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?" And I said to him, "Prob'ly right here - Elko, Nevada, our nation's high at 79 today." Out in California, they're gonna have some warm weather tomorrow, gang wars, and some *very* overpriced real estate. Up in the Pacific Northwest, as you can see, they're gonna have some very, very tall trees.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Captain Charisma Rides Again!

So, I've been thinking (nobody pass out from suprise, I do think). Life sure is different back here in the Piney Woods. Things just aren't the same. I don't have a large group of people to spend numerous hours with doing random and fun things (Halo and movies come to mind). I basically have one person to fill that void with, but you won't hear me complaining. No offense, but she is prettier and holds my feelings captive better than the crew in Corpus (that and she's really pretty too). It would be nice if I could have my cake and eat it too, but I can't for two reasons: thats just how life is, and well I'm getting a little chunky (time to lay off the cake). I'm hoping that Brooke will be able to go on a road trip or two so she can meet the other people that mean a ton to me in my life. She was given the opportunity to meet one of my Corpus friends, when Mike came to Longview to bring me the rest of my crap I left in Corpus. It was an amazingly cool thing for him to do such a favor, and it was fun to get to hang out a bit (although, I think Mike came to find that Longview has about the same boring tendencies that Corpus Christi has...although we could have gone bowling for like $5).

Speaking of Corpus friends, Le caught my last post and the fact that I changed the name, and a couple of facts on my 'Hitman Name' stats. So, in retaliation, he quickly edited his, and changed his stats to Halo stats, but didn't change the header. Well since Longview doesn't have much to do, and Brooke was doing family things...I did change some things. Check it out. This is comming from Death's one mortal Halo enemy, the venerable Captain Charisma.
Golf has been entertaining, and slowly I'm finding my game again. I've torn down a portion of my swing, and I'm trying to get rid of the hitch at the top, causing a bit of a pull (why am I sharing these technical terms, because y'all probably don't understand it). I'll test my tournament fortitude come the end of the month in the city tournament. So we will see. Of course, there has been something else that has been keeping me more occupied than concearns of golf. If you're smart, you'll know what I'm talking about, and if you can't, I won't spell it out, but I'll let her tell you in person if I can talk her into a 7 hour car ride south.

I'll keep y'all posted on any new developments, golf, Brooke, life, otherwise.

Come on Bennett, throw away the gun, you don't just want to pull the trigger, you want to put the knife in me, and look me in the eye, and see whats going on in there when you turn it, thats what you want to do, right?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Some Special News

So, it has been a few days since I've posted, and I know that y'all are wanting to know everything that is going down with me, and you know, it has been great. This will be short and quick, I just have this to say. I asked Brooke if she felt that we should be a little more serious in our relatinoship, and she said 'sure thing.' So I guess you could say that I have a formal girlfriend, we aren't just dating any more. It's wild I know, but we spent a good three weeks before I moved back here, emailing each other, and we've learned alot about each other. It's just amazing. Oh, and Le posted this name generator to see what your hitman name is, and well, I did it...check me out!

Frankie Monticeillo

People Iced:Two Hundred
Car Bombs Planted:Twenty Five
Favorite WeaponSpringfield 1911 A
Arms Broken:Twenty Three
Eyes Gouged:Thirty Two
Tongues Cut Off:One
Biggest Enemy:Jack Hammer

The site even gave me Le's name as my biggest enemy. How crazy is that? That, and I'm a hitman hoss. Fear me, I'm the reaper.
I'm very sorry the government taxes their tips, that's messed up. That ain't my fault. It would seem to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government screws in the rear on a regular basis. Look, if you ask me to sign something that says the government shouldn't do that, I'll sign it, put it to a vote, I'll vote for it, but what I won't do is play ball. And as for this non-college bullcrap I got two words for that: learn to freakin' type, 'cause if you're expecting me to help out with the rent you're in for a big stinkin' surprise.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Oh the Good Ol Times

I finally think I'm getting close to being settled in. My room is starting to look like a room, and I have my home theater set up (man, you gotta love it when you can crank it!). I find myself missing my friends in Corpus on some nights, especially on Fridays, because I know they're going to the movies without me. Well, that is how life goes it. I shouldn't complain. I am now where God wants me to be, and by me crying would basically mean I was throwing a fit over what He wants me to do. So I can't do that. Life in the pineywoods is still nice, but I don't think the temperature or humidity is any different. Plus, I find myself in a very awesome situation as well.

What is this situation you ask? Simply put, I have found someone who lights up my smile every time she is around, or even when I just think about her. Brooke and I have really enjoyed each others company, and we also look to grow closer to God before we move closer to each other. Thats how it should be done. Right now, I can't think of any nicer suprise in moving back here, than to being able to date such a wonderful person. Simply amazing.

On to other news, it has been brought to my attention that my close friend Joe and myself will be comming up on our 10 year anniversary. I never thought about how long we had been friends, and I guess I had been taking that for granted that he and I have been close for so long (even though he moved off to Oklahoma, and now Virginia). This is a guy who was there for me in the akward years in highschool, and all the bad dates both he and I went on. There was even a point where we were conisdered a couple by both our familys because we spent so much time together. Ah, those great disfunctional years of highschool. What was fun back in the day were the PPV wrestling nights, charging $5 a head, and serving cheap pizza from Cici's. Not sure we ever turned a profit, but we had a blast watching grown men beat the crap out of each other. We also found ourselves in trouble with the establishment, causing all kinds of trouble. We even brought his brother into our deviant activities. While trying to pick up one of our other highschool chums, we apperently were being a tad bit too loud, and the neighbor across the street starting threatening to call the cops on us. We quickly tried to leave the scene, but not before Joe's little brother gave the neighbor a crotchchop, and quickly lead to us pulling him into the car as we sped off (man, talk about the good ol times...). I'm intent to try and build to another 20 years. It will be fun.

Jane, since I've met you I've noticed things that I never knew were there before; birds singing, dew glistening on a newly formed leaf, stoplights.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm the Cookie Monster....Okay?

So it seems that I have been pulled into the awful world of myspace. To be honest, its only partly true. The only reason I make a voyage into a land I detest, I do it appease my friends around the world (that way they can keep track of what I'm doing, by clicking the link on my myspace page to come here. How novel). The things I'll do for my public. I am a nice guy.

So in the pursuit of my ministry on the golf course is off to a decent start. If I am to make it to the PGA tour, I'll need to regularly shoot 5 under par on my home course. This past Saturday, I shot an even par 70. Only 5 strokes away. It is really exciting. I made a couple of mistakes, and that cost me a round under par, but those are mistakes that are erased by practice and experience. I'll keep everyone of you posted on how it goes on the course.

It came to my attention that my last entry has caused a bit of a stir (a little D-R-A drama). Someone made a comment about how I went on a date, and followed it up by quote "
Does anyone else feel like their brain fell out of the back of their head?". I would have completely just bypassed the whole comment because I felt it was simply in jest. Then I got to thinking about it, and I think I drew more ire because of the first half of the comment, about me going on a date with a girl. Am I supposed to have taken out a man? I don't think so, that isn't how I roll. A close friend of mine went to bat for me, and said some sharp points in my defense. I appreciate it, because he knew why I was abstaining from dating while in my twilight years in Corpus. Hoowah good friends who know the whole story.

Well, there are some things I think I should share with all of you out there in netspace land. There was a very big reason why I did not date the past year and a half while I was in Corpus. I had to learn how to respect the concept of a relationship, and the best way to do that was not to date. Before when I dated, these relationships led to immorality and that is not what I'm about any more. So until I learned what it meant to appreciate a significant other, I didn't' deserve it. If I didn't do what I felt God was asking me to do, I never would have had the opportunity to date Brooke. Just look at her....downright gorgeous. Just looking at her picture puts a major smile on my face (she hates it when I post pictures of her though, I don't know why because she's GORGEOUS!!!!).

Brooke is quickly becoming something extremely special to me. I feel blessed every time I get to be around her. Our relationship is being built on God, and doing what He has
instore for both of us. Daily we focus on moving closer to God, and in the process also grow closer together. She is something special. Who knows, maybe those of you out there, my faithful audience, will get to meet her if we are able to travel down to the ol' Csquared. Only time will tell. I'll keep you posted. Oh, speaking of awesome as well. October 27th, in Shreveport Louisiana, Family Force 5 is playing at LSU-Shreveport, and its FREE! Talk about awesome. I will definitely be there. This is a hot band that is quickly on the rise. If you're in the neighborhood around this time, hit me up, because I'll be looking for people to go with me (Brooke is going, she just doesn't know it yet).
You're a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you're out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we'll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are.