Thursday, December 15, 2005

Day 2 in God's Kountry

Ah, the second full day of vacation. It is really nice to be home, nice to be with family, but no fun because two of my closest friends won't be in from South Bend Indiana, until next Wednsday. That means I must spend time with my family (yay?). Ah, who can complain, my family is a good family. They make fun of me, ride me like a pack mule, beat me with a broom stick, uh and I sai that they were a good family? I must be crazy they abuse me. Guess that makes me a case of nuture over nature. Ah, they are a good family, I wouldn't trade them for the world, well, maybe to be a Bush, only for political aspirations. Politics are fun. If I knew how to put a poll on my blog, I'd do, if anyone knows how, tell me. Then again, the poll would have 3 maybe 4 votes on it, and I know what the answers would be. I think. People I know are predictable.

(side note: Le' has a book of Krav Maga, geurilla street fighting developed by the Israeli army, and I learned the proper pronuciation, Krav Ma-GAH: again, just a side note.)

King Kong was a good movie, Peter Jackson is just friggen awesome. Next project? Halo. Should be interesting. 10 more days til Christmas. I can't wait, no telling what kind of loot I'll bring back to Corpus. I can't wait to get back to Corpus. Who'd have thought I'd ever had said anything like that, but its true. We'll see what happens. All I know is it is friggen cold out side. A reason why south Texas is nicer than East Texas, and its the only one that I've found. You don't have to rake leaves in south Texas, it also helps that there are no trees there. I've been doing a bit of studying, and apparently, I've found something: There is one strikingly amazing similarity between women and fish...they're both attracted to shiney objects. What a heck of a discovery. I might get a Nobel prize. Here's crossing my fingers, and throwing my hat into the ring.

How's the turtle Mrs. Stubbs? Did your kids ever figure out you switched turtles on them because I know it would be a major disappointment for them to find out.

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