Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Just Call me Thor, I'm Stealing Thunder!

Ok, so I made it safe and sound back to Longview. No problems, although I saw quite a few people who were pulled over by state troopers, and their cars being searched. Drug dogs hard at work. Guess you could say that they were working real hard on their Christmas bonuses. Luckily, they didn't view me as the type to be a drug runner (aren't I lucky, good thing they didn't find the 5 kilos I hid in my luggage). Not really, because if I did, then my money problems would be null and void. Anyways, I want to wish all of my friends a (hope I don't get sued, because this won't be politically correct, then again, have I ever been concerned about being politically correct? NEVER!) Merry Christmas, but not a Happy New Year, because I'll be there in person to wish you all that. Got it? Good.

So, I have to blame Le' for this one. Last week (something like that) Le' introduced me to a band from Georgia called Family Force 5. Nothing like southern country rock. Well, even though I refuse to sign up to myspace, i.e., the free porn station (see my previous post), but I did go through his blog to find their page. Well, before he can talk about their newest video, I'll do it (hahaha, I stoled your thunder!). The only reason for this is that they re-did a southern Christmas classic, 'Grandma Gots Runned Over by a Reindeer'. Any country boy has to love the song, but this is just, well, funny. C'mon, click it, watch it, laugh at it, and also remember, I stoled Le's thunder! HAHA.

Well, the quote game found a cheater amongst the contestants. Actually, the cheater confessed to cheating. The dirty bugger. Next time I see the cheater, I'll swat him/her. Not going to label the cheater, because it could be detrimental to their credibility. Can't be havin that happen, being their 'henchman' and all (dangit now I've gone and done it, given the person away). Oh well, thats what they get for CHEATING! In the spirit of the game, it will continue. Mystery cheater, you'll get a warning, consider it a stiff reprimand. This is no slap on the wrist, but a swift kick in the rear. Sorry that I stoled your thunder earlier (crap, I did it again! Me and my big mouth).

So, I got me some work while I'm here. I'm re-tinning our shop. Don't know my hourly rate, or how long it will take me (its manual labor, which I detest, but its a job). Hope that I don't lose a finger, it will be hard work, but think of all the strength I'll be building. I'll be a beast. Ok, maybe not in a week and a half of working, but here's me thinking it might happen. We'll see.

Um, what my associate is trying to say is that our new brake pads are really cool. You're not even gonna believe it. Let's say you're driving along the road with your family. You're driving along... La-de-da, woo... Suddenly there's a truck tire in the middle of the road. Eeeee! Whoa, that was close. Now let's see what happens when you're driving with the "other guy's" brake pads. You're driving along... You're driving along. The kids are yelling from the back seat, "I gotta go to the bathroom, Daddy!" "Not now, dammit!" There's a truck tire. Eeee! I can't stop! Aaaah! There's a cliff! Aaaah! And your family's screaming, "Oh, my God, we're burning alive! I can't feel my legs!" Here comes the meat wagon. And the medic gets out and says, "Oh, my God!" The new guy's around the corner puking his guts out. All because...You wanna save a couple extra pennies. And to me, that doesn't...


Anonymous said...

nick -
If stealing my thunder yields such awesome gems of entertainment, steal away. Great job Nick! But the fact that I was the one that turned you on to them originally, well, you didn't steal my thunder as much as you subcontracted it. Glad to see you have so much free time... Chris Rose is laughing at the video right now. I think we'll have to show it at revolution.
adde -
yeah those myspace chicks are cheap and easy and... STD infected! (No offense. I don't mean you.) But then again so are most mail order brides. The only problem is, if you bought them that easy, then you better be pretty rich to keep them. Because they are all looking for money and a good time. Keytars are the bomb!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Chris Farley in Tommy Boy!