Saturday, December 24, 2005

Retractions, an apology, and an All Around of Feeling Miserable

For those of you who follow my rambles, y'all know that I post nearly every day, as long as I have access to internet. Well, in the past 2 days, I've posted once, and if you are asking where it went, I'll explain, but there are things that lead up to that.

Ok, have you ever had one of those days that makes you go, "I'm sure that if I were to vanish, would people really care?" Today is definitely one of those days (which really sucks considering its the holiday season). So what can make your day feel as such you ask? Where do I begin?

The weather was gorgeous (not the reason for one of those days), but it would seem that if there was a bad bounce on the golf course, it had drastic effects on my ball. Rouge pile of leaves? Ate my ball. Tiny limb between freedom and prison, knocking me deeper into the abyss that is the woods. It was with out a doubt, this was the first inkling that I should have not gotten out of bed.

From the golf course (where again, I was pathetic), we head out to eat for our yearly Christmas Eve lunch at a local eatery. While there (which we arrived half an hour before the restaurant actually closed), the Cowboys game was on, and everyone in my family was enthralled in the action. I found myself keeping quiet, an listening to them talk about the game. Food comes (crazy, it happens whenever I order food at restaurants, people bring it to you), and I go for the salsa (yep, mexican food, whoopie..uh sure), but find out it has vanished. How can a bowl of salsa move if I haven't touched it? Simple, it was taken from me by my sister. A reasonable response would be, "did you take my salsa?" (not a rude, inappropriate question), and leading a verbal attack from my father. Getting in trouble for something that I am nothing at fault for. Day continues to get worse (how can it pour so much on you when its clear and 65 outside?) and I find myself really detesting life and the holiday season.

After lunch, I head to my grandparents, where the only reprieve occurs, I sweep the roof our our shop (no more leaves on it). I get to spend time with my grandparents, watch a little tv with them, and finish wrapping the final presents. I leave by 9, and call a friend (out of a few that I am close enough to wish them a Merry Christmas), it was nice to talk to her. Really do miss people in Corpus, and I'll be back (maybe).

Now onto why there is a missing post, or if you have read, why 'Oh the Things I Saw', it seems that when relying on some close friends good nature, and being great sports, I apparently crossed the line. Wasn't my goal, intention, or even thought. I was banking on their great sense of humor to carry on the prank. Mission Failed. That sucked (now I'm buried under 5 miles of snow and a feeling of complete failure as a friend). I sincerely apologize about the 'stunt', and I aim to apologize to those who are involved, and I intend to also apologize face to face. Until then, the low I feel, only towers over the fine coat of dust that settles on a cleanly mopped floor. In the immortal words of 'The Simpsons' comicbook guy, "worst day EVER!" Yeah, that bad. Anyone know where I can find some traffic to go jump in? (preferably heavy and constant, full of 18 wheelers). Until then, I may not post, for the foreseeable future (might be the last post EVER). For that, I am looking for a rock to go hide under.

It's Christmas Eve. It's-it's the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we-we-we smile a little easier, we-w-w-we-we-we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year we are the people that we always hoped we would be. So you've got a program featuring America's favorite old fart. Reading a book in front of a fireplace. Now, I have to kill all of you.


The Beav said...

For the record, I am not looking for sympathy. Right now I really do feel like *@$%.

Anonymous said...

since you won't return my call. i guess I'll talk to you in this very public forum.
First, I'm not mad at you.
You constantly push the boundaries of what people will accept, what you can get away with and still be funny. If that's your MO then you have to expect sometimes you will go too far. I was just trying to let you know you went too far.
A few things:
* - I don't mind being the butt of your jokes, but not every time you blog. It just gets old - like me. Most of the time your comments are pretty harmless, but lately they have taken on more of a vindictive turn. Once again I think that's just you testing the boundaries of acceptability.
* - You stated yourself that you would most likely get in trouble for your post. That means you thought better of it, but you did it anyway. Well, yeah. If you think it might cross the line why do it? Sometimes it might be funny, but if it has to be questioned then it probably shouldn't be done. I speak from experience here. I have had to retract blog posts before.
* - Finally, you involved Adde. Now, true she wasn't offended. But, it was pretty much the same as calling her (and me) ugly. I don't mind slams on my looks, but when you call a guy's girlfriend ugly... well you got to expect that guy isn't going to be happy about it.
As to what I meant by 'canceling my subscription', if your blog is going to be a place where you are constantly making fun of me and my girlfriend then, yeah, I'm not going to read it. I think that makes sense.
So, once again, I'm not mad at you. You crossed the line, I told you so, you apologized, we're good. Okay?