Sunday, January 29, 2006

Me? A New York Times Best Seller?

Tonight, I had probably one of the coolest convos in a really long time about relevant things in the world. I mean, c'mon, how come more people can't see how it's really supposed to be? It's not challenging, if Jakob and I can solve the problems of the world in just a few short hours, why is it so hard for everyone else? People. In our discussion, we concluded all women are weird, and inherently cause drama. Period (well, not some married Godly women, but the rest, drama). Secondly, Jakob thinks its best that I write a book (I thought I was doing so with my blog), about all the crazy and odd things that have gone on in my life. I'm the guy who catches armadillos because I can. I have had so many odd things happen to me that I would be a sure fire New York Times best seller (not like Oprah's choice from author James Frey, and his book 'A Million Little Pieces', wow, way to have something come up and bite you in the butt). My life is exciting. So, in lieu of this encouragement, I'm going to my faithful public. Yes, you people that read my news, and tell me, what should I name my book (if I write one of course). The floor is open. Fire away. Although I do like, 'Aw Crap: Memoirs of an East Texas Hillbilly'. Just kinda has a ring, or something.

Ok, got another picture for you. Found this on a friends web posting site, and well, just so show that I will catch just about any critter out there cuz I can, here ya go (sweet sassy molassy, that is one long run on sentence):
Yeah, you know its me because of my 'We grow em big in Delaware' (what an awesome shirt). Le' thinks I need my own tv show like what Steve Irwin has, but I'm not partial to gettin eatten by large crocs (again, it would be fun, and never say never).

Nikko was easy. Now it's your turn. One night you'll close your eyes, and when they open I'll be there. It'll be time to die.
If you come back in here, I am gonna hit you with so many rights you are going to beg for a left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I love the "Aw, Crap" title and it may not be a New York Times best seller, but it would probably be a Satesman best seller. I think you should definitely do it. I would buy it for shizzle!
And as to the picture - I always thought you might have crabs...