Monday, December 05, 2005


Well, hasn't it been an interesting time since I've last posted for my adoring throngs of fans? I do sincerely appologize, if I have let any of you down. So here's the lowdown. My mother, who was so kind as to grace us with her presence this past weekend has headed back up north to the pineywoods (I really did enjoy her visit, although, she was not short of trying to embarass me at every turn, but thats life). It was a fun week. I got to be a driver for her, which I suppose is payback for the 15 years she had to do it for me, again, thats life. My prediction though, about her buying me dinner 3 nites did not come true. I took a lowball figure I suppose. Not only did I get 3 free meals each night, but I also recieved a free lunch, tank of gas, and money. Gee, I sure do have a great mommy (thats the obligitory kissing up that I'm required to do by law, but I might go for some extra credit later). I was sad to see her go, but then I realized, I'll be home in a couple of weeks so no sad feelings for me.

World Domination bowed out with a crash from the intermural cup finals Thursday. We failed to capture the title in overtime, and took a humbling 4-3 defeat. We'll try again the next chance we get, but I might hang the boots up permenantly (I'm getting to old for this game). I'll stick to golf. Worst that can happen is what is in that picture. Never, ever, EVER! get your face between a driver and where it will stop. It really hurts. I kid you not.
But golf seems to be my best bet for fun. C'mon, I'm a 4 handicap, I can shoot in the low 70's regularly, now if I could just get the church to assign me as the pastor of golf ministries, I could play at the countryclub for a mere $200 a month (finding $200, is teh second step to worry about, but until then, being able to recieve that kind of deal is first and upmost a priority). The plan also has Le' learning how to play golf better than his seagull hitting, wretched swinging, but beautiful putting ways (no lie, the man can putt). If I go pro, I'll remember you all. Especially Le, I'll need a caddie to carry my golf clubs everywhere I go, plus, someone to make me look really good when I try to hustle people out of money.

Wow, tons of rambling here, but its fun! Friday, we were fitted for Chris Rose's wedding. Turns out I'm too fat to attend. What a bummer. After dinner with my mom at Chili's (where I took her to meet Anna, because she and I had a blossoming relationship that was ready for that next step: meeting my mom), the gang went and watched 'Aeon Flux'. As soon as I figure out what the movie was about, I'll be glad to post about it, but until then, I'll scratch my head, and just sit there with a glazed look on my face (then again, what else is new?). Saturday, hockey! Hockey, hockey, hockey! Man, I love hockey. Forechecks, crosschecks, bounced checks...err, crosschecks! Fun game with the gang. We cheer, we heckeled (ok, I heckeled, and as soon as Le' can format it, I'll post whatever I can of me yelling at Dolson, the visiting teams goalie). I ate three hotdogs, drank a coke, and yelled out my hearts content. We even got the blimp to come to us during the first intermission. The free gift we caught, free small pizza at Beamers (ironic since we've eaten there the past month, but enjoy the food none the less). Did I fail to mention hockey is great? Well it is.

Sunday, we did that church thing, which we do so well. Le' preaches, the band plays, I mess up the powerpoint because I just dont' understand music, but no one is complaining. Got to meet yet another one of the Belcher clan. Stephanie Scroggs, Jakobs second cousin, half removed from his uncle's pancreas, twice removed from his 5th aunts benign lymphnode, or something like that (I need a map just to be able to tell you how they're related, but I take their word on it that they are). She's a nice girl. Puts up with Jakob, but thats not a hard task. A T-rex and a giant orangatan can get along in harmony, regardless of what those nature channels say. Did I mention that I proved that I'm a complete moron? Oh, I did? Wait, what do you mean I do it on a daily basis? Thats just plain mean.....anyways, remind me to forget the words to 'Ice, ice baby'. I sound like a fool doing it (then again, I sound like a fool when my mouth is running anyways).

Snowball fight at church this comming sunday. I'm going to nail Le' between the eyes. Well maybe not, because Jenny is a really scary person if you make her mad, and I don't want to do that. Til we meet again in my little cyber world.

Ladies and gentlemen, I won't sugarcoat it; I've seen road kill with better reflexes.
Oh, yeah, mother, click here to get firefox for the new computer.


Anonymous said...

That will be $20 for the use of my name in your blog...

The Beav said...

Hey! Mark, how did you get ahold of Le's password for his blogger account? Thats amazing! Keep it up ol buddy.

The Beav said...

Yes, 3 hotdogs. Yes, secret passages at the movie theater (always an awesome thing to find when it comes to seeing movies for free!). Yes, you are mean, but right to fear dating Mark. But once you've seen the Dallas Stars play the Colorado Avalanche, and real NHL hockey, everything else looks sad (sorry to say, even your Houston Aeros). What is this mess about tagging? What if I prefer not to be tagged? Hmm? Tell me! Grrrr. Ok, not really growling, but still....grrrr.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you need to put a link to your atom feed somewhere on your site so I can add it. That way I can check up on you, daily! Woahhahahahahahaha! Okay... evil laugh done.
AS to the Mark comment, i wasn't serious and I was trying to emulate him. so good to you for getting that!

The Beav said...

So, I could write about 5 weird habits of Le....or Jakob again, or even someone else who has a bunch of rats....maybe? Let me know.

The Beav said...

Don't know, but I'm sure that I can find someone to pump information out of. Of course, I'm not that mean of a person...besides, the rat person is really, really cool..but I could pick her friend, the myspace queen.

The Beav said...

Besides this love thing that you have with Mr. Cowan, none others I can think of. Besides, maybe I have a deathwish. I was named to her list of cool people, maybe I have a 'little' leeway.