Monday, December 19, 2005

One Week til Christmas

Tonight was the first night that I was able to see my Packers play a game. Now I know why they're a listful 3-10 (3-11 after tonight), they are just plain aweful. I don't blame it on the great ageless one under center, Brett is still the man. Always was, always is. I hope that he comes back for one more season, The NFL isn't ready for him to go just yet (neither am I, because I hope that they play in Dallas again next season, maybe Stephen Diaz and I can go and he'll buy the tickets). Regardless they played aweful tonight, no spirit, nothing. It really made the night kind of boring due to them playing very bad, and I was looking foward to watching them kill the Ravens. Maybe next year, next year.

So, while moping around because my Packers were playing aweful, I scooped up the hometown newspaper, and looked at the movie theater listings, and what did I find to boost my morale? On the day that they are releasing Serenity on DVD (Dec. 20th! Happy day indeed!) The second and newest dollar theater (50 cents before 6 pm) is playing Serenity. So at 12:20 tomorrow, I will be going to see the movie! What a joy! I might go every day this week, til I get the movie on DVD. This makes me very happy indeed.

In other news, I got a new person to comment on my blog. While searching random blogs on blogger, I found a blog of a teacher in NYC, and the only reason I posted was because she was from Texas, and was curious to find out where she was from (fortunatly, curiosity doesn't kill the beaver). Well, she posted back, and crazy thing is, she's originally from Corpus. That was crazy. Just a random thing. Maybe she'll come back and comment again (I want atleast 5 people to comment on my blog to get the list up to 20 total comments).

Le' gave away my Christmas present, all because a girl gave him a kiss. I didn't know he'd betray me like that. Well I know that he didn't betray me, but I can give him grief. What would life be like if I didn't give him greif. It would be nice to know what all my good friends are doing for the holidays, since no one has really told me (I haven't asked either, but thats not my responsibilty).

Ok, new twist to yesterdays toss up. Instead of an actual profession, what kind of video game character would you be? Dig-Dug or the guy from Pitfall?

Hmmm, Pitfall, lets see, you run around on one of four screens. You jump on/over alligators in a pond, swing on a rope over a pit, an open plain, go underground, and jump over snakes and scorpions. You find one chest of gold. A very interesting life. Not very dangerous, if you think that alligators, scorpions, and snakes are not scary. You also gain no points, find that there is no time limit, or goal in life as a character in this original game (on Atari).

Ok, now Dig-Dug. What a guy. Dig around in the dirt, chase enemies and pump them full of air til they pop. You face either an underground fire breathing dragon, or a weird looking guy in an orange suit, wearing ski goggles. You can dig out dirt under a rock and get more points if you get the rock to drop on your enemies. Crushing people....FUN!

So after careful consideration, and playing some video games for research purposes of course, I'm going to have to say that I'd choose the life of DIg-Dug. Making people explode is fun, plus you get bonus points for crushing them with boulders. Since in Pitfall, you have no purpose in life, which would be NO FUN. None whats so ever.

Maybe next time I'll do cartoon characters, or tv characters. Only if I can come up with some funny ones to toss up together. Feel free to give me suggestions, and I'll toss 'em up.

Now I know that some of you put Flick up to this, but he has refused to say who. But those who did it know their blame, and I'm sure that the guilt you must feel would be far worse than any punishment you might receive. Now, don't you feel terrible? Don't you feel remorse for what you have done? Well, that's all I'm going to say about poor Flick.


Anonymous said...

Nick - Okay. Serenity again. Ridiculous. Now to my holiday plans. On Thursday I plan on eating lunch with ms. alfeo and her mother. Friday I am planning on celebrating christmas with ms. alfeo in the morning, then off to lunch with my parents, then to my grandparents for dinner and celebrating christmas some more, all with ms. alfeo of course. then saturday i jet off to angleton texas to spend time with my family for christmas. beyond that I have no idea what's happening until december 30th, when i must be back in CC before 4:30pm. i have to cash my check and deposit it before 5pm. then i plan on having a romantic dinner with ms. alfeo to celebrate the new year.
and as to the character... just because you were never good enough to beat pitfall doesn't mean that there wasn't purpose. adventure! that's what pitfall is about, adventure! Dig dug, crazy underground creatures trying to eat you. That sounds like tremors, or maybe a cross between tremors and a zombie movie. And all you have to fight them off is a bicycle pump? No thank you! Dig dug blows! but as far as atari games go... well, you don't have much to choose from. what about NES? Elevator Action or Spy Hunter? Both spies, one jumps around in elevators killing bad guys. The other drives around on endless terrain killing bad guys. I guess it depends on if you are an indoors or outdoors person. I would have to say Elevator Action because you can squish people with the elevators. Fun!
what is up with the 5 people 20 comments thing?

Anonymous said...

adde - don't encourage men to kiss me, please.
Nick - if you had kissed me you would have gotten a present alright... but the kind you don't recover from.

The Beav said...

Are you threatening me with a bad case of syphillus? I'm scared man, scared. I don't know what is going on about the 20 comments, you two are the only ones commenting. I am kind of hurt.

Yes, Serenity again. I was the only one in the theater. They cranked the volume up, so I got to see it ueber style. You can't go wrong with that. Yipee for me.

I don't think you get the concept of the game. I pick the toss up. I was being gracious in letting people suggest games, but thats it, just suggest. I make the funny addatives to it. Thats me, the funny guy. FUNNY! FUNNY!

The Beav said...

Wow, Miss Alfeo and I posted at the same time! That was amazing crazy! I'm in tears because I'm laughing so hard, but I pick up alot of tension in the comment! That is a NO NO on this blog. Happy blog. Funny blog, not an angry blog. Everyone play nice, or I'll come and kick all y'all in the shins, because I'm ugly and mean enough to do it. Viva Captain Charisma!

Oh yeah, looks like I might be getting a 32 inch tv...Out of the blue..because my sis got a new bed. Who'd have thought that. We'll see. It would be ueber pimp.

Oh, by the way, tonight I got laughed at by a girl because I asked why she had to 'sully' my name. Then her friend laughed at me as well because I said 'sully'. Whats wrong with the word 'sully'?

Oh yes, might go see Serenity again tomorrow. It's only 50 cents. Crank it up foo!

The Beav said...

Are you at work? If you are, sign on to AIM, we can plot the demise of Le', and I'll teach you all kind of neat words.

The Beav said...

yes, talk of how much we love Le'. How great he is, how neat he is, how much he smells, err, how neat he is. Yeah (he smells like old man and mothballs, creapy).

The Beav said...

I got him a present as well. A shiney new walker! Ooops, spoiled the suprise. Hehe, well, not really a walker, but you could imagine. No, I got a nifty gift, one for each of ya's.

The Beav said...

pine cones?! That hurts. This is a manufactured gift. Worked hard to get it. Oh, and I'm bringing back my guns, so don't threaten me with bullets, I'll have my own to throw back. Hehe, but I wouldn't shoot you. I'd feel bad.

Anonymous said...

nick, you know me better than that. I would never shoot you. You've seen 'the professional'?
I'm glad you are bringing back a gift... I appreciate it in advance. I hope you will enjoy my gift to you. I think you will.