Friday, December 09, 2005

Still Finals Season (Somebody Please Shoot Me)

Ah, Friday is here. The 9th. What a glorious day. At this very moment in Lipezg Germany, the powers that be are drawing lots to see who plays who in the 2006 World Cup. An exciting day indeed. Who will the mighty US face come June 9th? Wait and see, as the draw continues. We all (ok, just me because I'm a diehard soccer fan, but play along guys), hold our collective breathes to see the outcome. Coincidentally, a prayer of mine is being lifted up. Should there be a G.C. Ops mission sent to Germany for a month? Do a little streep evangelism to the world on the world stage that is the World Cup? Only God knows the answer to that, but that would be an awesome prayer to be answered.

Other prayers that are out there have yet to be answered, or most likely, interpreted by yours truly. I can be a bit dense (stop laughing guys, that really hurts my feelings). Mark is still moving to Florida. Can't change anything about that, nor do I plan to try. He needs to spread his wings, but I am still on the hunt for a new roommate. Any takers? Just send me an application (feel free to greese my hand with a few extra twenty dollar bills, and you might move to the front of the line). Now on to a new section that we're adding today....What things that annoy the mess out of me.

Ok, here we go, things that annoy the mess out of me (its a top 5 list, starting with No.5):

5. People that say they're sorry when there is nothing to be sorry about. If you have to say you're sorry to me, atleast walk up, and kick me in the shin, then you'd have something to be sorry for.
4. Finding out information second hand when it deals with me. The last thing I need to have is someone having important information for me, but I don't find out from them, I hear it from 3 other people. Just talk to me, I might look mean and ugly, but I'm as cuddly as a Polar Bear near a fresh kill.
3. People flaunting their wealth over other people. Ok, this one here is directed towards Mr. Rose, who last week, flaunted his new found amounts of cash to buy himself new shirts infront of Le', and myself. Knowing full well that we had to scrounge up thirty bucks to pay for those ugly tuxes. Pure evil that Mr. Rose, pure evil. Come to think of it, the movie should have been named 'The Attempted Exorcism of Chris Rose' (that has a ring to it, rich jerk).
2. Women telling me that they just want to be friends. What is with that? Why not tell me I have to wash my hair, or that you'd rather go play in toxic waste? Why lie to me and tell me you just want to be my friend? I have tons of friends. Look at me, I'm a fun loving guy who is always cheery, and never has a bad attitude. I have tons of friends....ok, maybe I shouldn't complain, it never hurts to have extra friends, especially female friends, because they might have really good looking friends that they can introduce me to, that don't want to 'just be friends', who knows?
1. Walking into the Library on campus, and nearly EVERY student in there is working on their facebook/myspace accounts. These posting rings are nothing more than a place for people to post pornography, and get cheap hookups with out the restrictions. What the crap is that about? Why can't there be moral decentcy? Atleast my blog is clean. The only bad thing you might see in mine is the occasional 'hell' or 'bastard', nothing more. Then again, thats just me.
That concluded the top 5 things that annoy the mess out of me. Hope y'all enjoyed.

Tonight, 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' opens and I make my bigscreen debut. We all know that I am Mr. Beaver (I played the character during the church preformance, it was awesome). Now, if I could only get a check for my apperance. I won't hold my breath. Two finals to go. One take home, the other, well, I'll have to go to class for that one. If I didn't have that one, I'd be going home today. Make it in time to make the Saturday morning choose-up. Ah well, I'll be home Tuesday.
Mr. President, we have to give bears the right to vote... or bears will rise up and then BEARS will be in congress and we will be the ones performing in the circus, wearing little hats.

1 comment:

The Beav said...

You got it, I'll give you and Le' 100 percent of what I get paid for my apperance in the movie. Consider it a 'find me a hot chick fee'. See you at *groan* 9:15am. I'll make sure that I look pretty, just for you (I'll wear my beaver costume).