Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Things That I May (or May Not) Do

Hmph. Humbug. That's all that I can think to say at this moment. I have been tagged. As Mr. Cowan put it, others out there trying to hijack my blog. Honestly?! Someone wants to hijack my blog? The sanctity of my most inner rantings, the place where my manic state finds solice to speak whatever it can think of? Never! But I will tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to list 5 odd things that I may/may not do (Atleast that I haven't been convicted of). So where do I begin? Lets see...Ok, I got one, I may (or may not) run barebottom through the neighbors sprinklers in the middle of the night. If you must know, the temperature has really dropped the past few evenings, so that makes it a little hard to go and do that kind of running. Again, I state, these are odd things that I may (or may not) do.

And now a comment from my sponsors:

My mother gave me the entire second season of M*A*S*H, and well I've become addicted to it. KInda scary. Hawkeye, Pierce, Radar, Major Burns, what hilarity. Gee, I need a hobby, but if anyone sees seasons 1, 3-9, feel free to pick them up for me, I'll give you a hardy handshake as payment for doing such a great deed for me.

Now back to the show

A second thing that is odd that I may (or may not) do, is that I like to go into the HEB plus, and take my own personal Cherpa with me. We all know that the store is like walking into a foreign country. They give you a map for pete's sake! Again, this is something that, say it with me now, I may (or may not) do.

More words from my sponsors

Finals are comming up, and that means, selling books. What a racket that is. The bookstore is cleaning house here. Talking about a profit. These people have the gall to sell you a book for over a hundred bucks, but at the end of a semester, they'll pay you a hefty 13% of what you originally paid (and we all know that the books I sell back are still in the original factory syran wrap, and in pristeen condition).

Back to the show once more

The third thing that is odd that I may (or may not) do is go to the bookstore when selling my books back, and do my best "Lets Make A Deal" impersinaiton. What better to do to people that steal your britches off your bottom while smiling at you, than make a complete fool of yourself in the process? I try to hagle with them. Talk them up in price. Its never worked, and once they may (or may not) have decided not to buy my book back at all. Can you believe that? Its organized crime if you ask me. Where's the FBI to take care of this?! MY TAX DOLLARS AND TUITION AT WORK HERE!

Last word from my sponsor

Mark got into seminary. I will be supportive, but that also means I need to find a new room mate. I like how these things happen all at the same time. I'm already hurting for money since I'm having a hell of a time at work (if they allow me to actually come in and earn a paycheck). Now, that redheaded moron is going into the seminary in Florida. I'll wish him well, but who knows, in 3 weeks, he'll probably be calling looking for sympathy, just like he did when he moved to Dallas. Who knows, but I will still support him.

Back to the show

The last thing that I may (or may not) do is constantly say, here are things that I may (or may not ) do. I'm sure that has to be a really odd thing to do. I know that I'm not as creative as Mr. Cowan, or good looking as Mr. Belcher, but I can be annoying. I'm like a mosquito that buzzes in your ear on a warm spring evening. That or the ant pile you sit in while trying to have a picnic. I'm always there, and you feel my presence. Now, as far as tagging other people, that I refuse to do. Instead, I will run around, and smack people with a book, and tell them to do so. I like that alot better. We'll see how that goes (keeping my fingers crossed).

Dr. Egon Spengler: There's something very important I forgot to tell you.
Dr. Peter Venkman: What?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Don't cross the streams.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Why?
Dr. Egon Spengler: It would be bad.
Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, "bad?"
Dr. Egon Spengler: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Dr. Ray Stantz: Total protonic reversal.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.


Anonymous said...

haha... um. You may or may not.... I like that. Funny stuff. You don't have to be creative or attractive, 'you may or may not be' funny! I think most of the time 'you may'.

The Beav said...

M*A*S*H....thats a good question. Wish I knew what it was that I found so entertaining. Then again, maybe its the hijinx that constantly occurs at the 4077. Hawkeye and Trapper, two skilled surgeons, and very funny characters (too bad Alan Alda got preachy later on). I was supposed to put 5 odd things? I guess you could say that I may (or may not) follow orders. Or we can take your suggestion as well.