Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What is this? The Worlds Game? You Betcha.

The worlds game. It envelops the entire globe once every four years. This year, they find themselves in Germany, the entire world. Amazing. I know I'm not being funny, but I'm not trying to...yet. Anyways, the World Cup starts on the 9th of June. Whoopie. I'll have to go to the dollar store and buy a stack of VHS tapes (gotta start me a soccer video collection). The group of death. Group E. That is where the US finds itself, playing the Czech, Italians, and the African team of Ghana. Let the fun begin.

Back in 2002, when the world was playing in Korea and Japan, I was up early to watch all the US games. That meant waking up at 3 in the morning, and I overslept a whole 4 mins, only to miss Eddie Lewis scoring right off the bat. As the day woke, the US won, 3-2. Talk about a way to kick off the tourny. Really makes me miss the game, wish I spent more time doing what it was that I did so well, could have been me (sure, I keep telling myself that). Two days later, its a 1-1 tie to Korea (darn you Jeff Agoose, you and your weak side defense). Then to end the first round, a great screwjob by an official who s more pro-Asian, than pro-American, the US gets jobbed, yet thanks to Korea, they back into the second round, only to find their CONCACAF nemesis, Tri-Colores (man, the Mexican team is so overhyped, they can never win after the round robin, who actually thought they stood a chance?), and a 2-0 victory. Man, that leaves a sweet taste in your mouth. The Cinderella dream comes to a close thanks to Michael Ballacks header with eyes, and a new-age hand of fate, from Martin Klose, keeping Craig Berhaulters shot from crossing the line (darn you, you scottish ref, a handball is a handball, bust the card out you pansy). So we have to wait til this month. Retribution. Now ranked 5th in the world (Mexico is now 4th, and the Czech are 2nd in the world), playing in the group of death. Lets go, time to rumble, and show the world Americas sports tenacity. If only I could be in Germany to cheer them on, what a blast that would be.

This frigging game is ruining my life.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Lines, Lines, Lines

So, tonight, X3-The Last Stand. Well, one thing about it, stand-ing was right (yeah, I know that was a great humor delay, laugh, laugh). So, I realized something, I really do not like lines. Lines to the ticket counter, lines to the snack bar, lines to get into the theater, lines to the bathroom, and when I got to do some acting, I hated learning my lines (worst part was even during rehersal, if you forgot your lines, you'd have to yell, yep, you guessed it....LINE!). Don't even get me started on coke lines. Lines are aweful. Maybe the only line I have liked was 'Walk the Line', and that was just because it was Johnny Cash. Why don't they have a special row for special people to go to the front of the, grrr, line. So, what do the movie theaters suggest on how to get ahead of the (here, I'd like to use the phrase 'L-word', but apparently the lesbians claimed that phrase, and it would not be cool to say, 'the movie theaters suggest we use a certain website to get past the L-word..wow, sounds like an advertisement to some sleezy website, and we can't have that) group of people standing in a single file uniform pattern to get to their destination, they want you to use fandango.

What is fandango I hear all of you ask at once? If you have been living in a cave with Usama, or just plain ignorant, this is a website that allows you to buy tickets online, but what makes the stand out among the rest of the other pre-pay websites is their aweful paperbag puppet commercials. I speak for everyone when I let out a displeasured groan. Robot Chicken did a funny thing, to pardoy fandango, take a peak...

Yeah, need I say more? Those commercials are pure Grade A manuer.

Well, I'm back in the Double C, and on the hard job hunt. I hate resumes, they are a pain in the butt to take care of (to advance in this world, you gotta do it) but I completed mine. Some times I wish I could get paid for doing nothing (like working for the oil companies). Unfortunatly, I can't.

So, that is where I stand at the moment, hopefully I will have a change of status for y'all. We will see.

Why am I here? Why are you here? Why is anybody here? I think it was Jean-Paul Sartre who once said... how do you spell spell Sartre? *slap* Owww... and let that be a lesson to you.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm a Video Junkie

You know, it is great to be back home, the weather is gorgeous out here, plus I get to see my family and play a spot of golf (man, I'm pretty good at golf, God sure has blessed me). So there is a catch at being home. When it gets later on in the evening, after my family has gone to sleep, and it is too dark to find a golfball, I run out of things to do. I should have brought my Gamecube. I could have polished up on my Smash Bros skills. That, or sailed around the seas above Hyrule. Even better, I could have unlocked more of the Mario Golf characters. Alas, I left my Gamecube in Corpus. Ah well, so, I go to Ifilm and Youtube to find solice and entertainment.

Ever since I found Youtube and Ifilm, and learned that you could post videos on your blog, I've become quite the vid-poster. So, why you are asking am I telling you this? That is because I got another video to post. I'm always out to entertain my fans.

So I gotta start saving $250 bucks so I can buy a Nintendo Wii, and then an extra $50 to get this game, because I call say, is looks boss (and yes, I mean BOSS). I am testing a theory as well about my blog and the number of comments I get. When I'm at home I get more comments from people because they miss me. Let's see if I'm missed. Here's hoping.

A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasey's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.

Monday, May 15, 2006

East Texas Once Again...

So, its Monday, and I'm in Longview. Drove all the way up this morning. Yipee for long car rides by yourself. They tend to have a strange effect on me, which leads to random self conversations about odd topics, and me singing random songs with the wrong words (yeah, I know, I have talent). So, during one of my self conversations, I recalled a previous episode of 'The Tick', and specifically the fortune cookie he recieved which stated, 'The road to Hell is paved with good intentions...', well, if that were true, then 'The road to Heaven is paved by Jesus..'. So it is true, Jesus is pronounced "hey-zeus". Ok, I kid, I kid, not trying to be a blastpheomer, just a random comment, wouldn't want to be excomunicated from people's pure churches.

So, if anyone out there has not seen Robot Chicken on Cartoon Network, you need to...I found this awesome video, its a clip from the show. I mean funny.

Apocalypse Pony, that is just hilarious. Just avoid the 'Golden Girls Sex and the City', "Check please....I'll take that check now...How about I just leave the cash on the table?" That is all I need to say. I should be back in Corpus by Friday. I'm already missing all my good friends, and the fun times in Corpus, but hey, I already won 25 bucks on the golf course. Praise God I have the gift to play golf, now I just need to learn how to evangelize on the course for him. Oh yeah, I named the hamster at Adde's request, and he shall now be known as 'minja'. 'nuff said.

On a previous blog, I posted what my friends had written about me, as if they were me. Well, my friend Joe finally sent one to me, a bit late, but still I promised I'd post everyones submissions, and I'm a man of my word, so here ya go:
Hi, I'm Nick. Sometimes when I am swimming, I have to get myself oxygenized in order to swim underwater the entire length of a pool. By the way, she told me she was 16. Ah, I enjoyed wrestling in the hallway during school with my best friend Joe (whom is the greatest guy ever) and the teachers wigging out. Boy did they get punked on that one. My first girlfriend wasn't very attractive. I was encouraged (by Joe) to dump her after I got my birthday presents. Unfortunately, her car was stolen that day, so I waited until the next week. I saw Night at the Roxbury seven times in two weeks. My call name is Sean and I am a med student at UCLA. That is all you need to know about me...for now.
What a friend..I miss that guy.
You're only confusing the boy. Before you're through, he'll be so mixed up, he'll... he'll be wearing his shoes on his head!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Atleast It Wasn't 40 Years In The Wilderness

So here I am, sitting at my computer at 6 in the morning. I've been up since five, and disturbingly hungry. So I pile up in my truck (according to quite a few people, I'm becoming rotund), and drive to Whataburger. It is nice that a Whataburger is right around the corner (helps rotund people like me). So what do you see at five in the morning? This here:
Yeah, a full moon. Good thing that I'm not a werewolf. Yep. So, I know my faithful following is wondering why I have not posted in quite a while. Well, I will repay your faithfulness to tell ya why. I've been busy finishing earning this:
Woohie! That's right boys and girls, I got me a college degree! It has taken 7 years, a lot of classes, even more late nights writing term papers that I waited until the last minute to write (sorry mom, but sadly it's true), and then the final 3 hours at the American Bank Center, waiting to complete the graduation ceremony. I can't complain though. This part of the journey is complete. I feel relieved, and saddened at the same time. I'm now ready for my next step in life. God is in charge of that one, so I faithfully wait for my orders. I'm a happy graduate, see?
Yep, I'm happy. Can't you see it in my eyes? I was blessed that my family came down safely to see me walk across the stage to complete this stage of life. It is a huge step. A continuation of my maturation. Again, I feel relieved. I was also blessed that a couple of my close friends took time out of their busy day to come see me finish college as well. That ment the world to me. I was a little upset that some others who I call friends found other reasons not to be there or just didn't show(they can't claim they didn't know, because I've been yelling about how I'm finished with college). That is life though, people make their choices, and I still consider them as friends, but it still hurts just a little. I'll get over it. I'm a gamer.

So, what do I plan to do now that I'm a college graduate? Go to Longview for about a week, and spend more time with my family. Yipee (that is until I found out that my parents, 2 of the 5 reasons I'm going home for are going to Florida to go play golf next Saturday, thanks mom and dad, you could have taken me to Florida with you for my graduation present. Oh yeah, its mothers day, so happy mothers day I guess mom, you still could have taken me to florida). I will still go, I miss my grandparents, and they couldn't make it to Corpus due to health reasons, so I will visit them (and then there is the golfcourse, and I won't hold out on it either). *yawn* seven hours to drive, yet it only takes seven hours get to God's country. Life is great. The current journey is over, and a new one is about to begin. Don't tell me we're about to go over a huge waterfall? Yep. Sharp rocks at the bottom? Most likely. Bring it on....BOOYAHAHA!
But you know what I've learned in my seven years here at Coolidge... Timmy? I've learned that you can't treat every situation as a life-and-death matter because you'll die a lot of times. Write that down.