Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm the Cookie Monster....Okay?

So it seems that I have been pulled into the awful world of myspace. To be honest, its only partly true. The only reason I make a voyage into a land I detest, I do it appease my friends around the world (that way they can keep track of what I'm doing, by clicking the link on my myspace page to come here. How novel). The things I'll do for my public. I am a nice guy.

So in the pursuit of my ministry on the golf course is off to a decent start. If I am to make it to the PGA tour, I'll need to regularly shoot 5 under par on my home course. This past Saturday, I shot an even par 70. Only 5 strokes away. It is really exciting. I made a couple of mistakes, and that cost me a round under par, but those are mistakes that are erased by practice and experience. I'll keep everyone of you posted on how it goes on the course.

It came to my attention that my last entry has caused a bit of a stir (a little D-R-A drama). Someone made a comment about how I went on a date, and followed it up by quote "
Does anyone else feel like their brain fell out of the back of their head?". I would have completely just bypassed the whole comment because I felt it was simply in jest. Then I got to thinking about it, and I think I drew more ire because of the first half of the comment, about me going on a date with a girl. Am I supposed to have taken out a man? I don't think so, that isn't how I roll. A close friend of mine went to bat for me, and said some sharp points in my defense. I appreciate it, because he knew why I was abstaining from dating while in my twilight years in Corpus. Hoowah good friends who know the whole story.

Well, there are some things I think I should share with all of you out there in netspace land. There was a very big reason why I did not date the past year and a half while I was in Corpus. I had to learn how to respect the concept of a relationship, and the best way to do that was not to date. Before when I dated, these relationships led to immorality and that is not what I'm about any more. So until I learned what it meant to appreciate a significant other, I didn't' deserve it. If I didn't do what I felt God was asking me to do, I never would have had the opportunity to date Brooke. Just look at her....downright gorgeous. Just looking at her picture puts a major smile on my face (she hates it when I post pictures of her though, I don't know why because she's GORGEOUS!!!!).

Brooke is quickly becoming something extremely special to me. I feel blessed every time I get to be around her. Our relationship is being built on God, and doing what He has
instore for both of us. Daily we focus on moving closer to God, and in the process also grow closer together. She is something special. Who knows, maybe those of you out there, my faithful audience, will get to meet her if we are able to travel down to the ol' Csquared. Only time will tell. I'll keep you posted. Oh, speaking of awesome as well. October 27th, in Shreveport Louisiana, Family Force 5 is playing at LSU-Shreveport, and its FREE! Talk about awesome. I will definitely be there. This is a hot band that is quickly on the rise. If you're in the neighborhood around this time, hit me up, because I'll be looking for people to go with me (Brooke is going, she just doesn't know it yet).
You're a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you're out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we'll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, I thought the comment was in jest as well. Remember when your dad thought we were both gay because we spent all our time together? Ah, good ol days of awkard high school years.

Get this, this coming late August you and I would have been friends for 10 years! Can you believe that? You're my longest relationship ever...just don't tell Lacy.

I am happy for you and I completely get why you abstained from dating in CC. Especially after that one chick completely screwed with you.

It is good not to get ahead of yourself but once you know who it is that is that special's important to hold on.

Peace out!