Thursday, November 03, 2005

Mean and Hurtful Comments from the Peanut Gallery

Ok, well, there seems to be those in the peanut gallery that have some things to say about my 'personal apperance fee'. They've labeled me as 'sounding alot like Mark'. That is not a good thing. So I am retracting my previous claim of an apperance fee, and will simply take a 'hardy handshake and a nice to see you' greeting.

The joys of Blogs. I get to rant and carry on about all kinds of random things that, well, I deem as important to me. Y'all become victims of captive audience land. Well, not completely captive, since you just have to close the window or change the URL, but I hope that you don't......please?

I recieved some grief because I prefer to write in hillbillyisms. That is, I type out what it sounds like when I talk with my east texas drawl. (Sorry Miss Alfeo, but when someone steals from you, in hillbilly it is simply, ''STOLD"). Didn't mean to burst your bubble.

It is Thursday. Another week coming to a close. What a joy. Tonight, if the plans stay like they are supposed to go, I'll get to go see 'Serenity' at the dollar theater. Yipee! What a great movie. I am excited to see the movie, yet again.

Dang it. I spilled my iced tea in my lap again...wait a tick...I'm not drinking iced tea....uh oh.

1 comment:

The Beav said...

I'll take a camcorder in there and record the movie for you....I'm a rebel! VIVA CAPTAIN CHARISMA!