Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The things I'll do for my friends

What? I have to sign up with blogger just so I can post mocking comments on Le's blog? What a chump deal. I feel cheated. Now the government, which I have been ducking for years will find me out! Cripes! Not a good thing at all. I'm going to have to chose a new alias, something different, something no one will ever figure out is me. How does Alex Brahomowitz sound? Hmmm, maybe a little to brash. Maybe I'll just refer to myself as Captain Charisma, and always talk in the 3rd person. I wonder what that would sound like.....

"Well, Captain Charisma is here to talk about what Captain Charisma feels is important. Right now he feels like black holes are dangerous places to be around. Even though he would be safe from the powers that be around the black hole, simple people like Le' would be crushed, and smashed and squashed because Le' isn't as powerful as Captain Charisma."

Well, maybe not in the 3rd person, it gets annoying typing my name over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. (Oh, if you copy and paste it gets even easier!)

So, things for the weekend...Friday night, mystery dinner theater 3000, Nothing like mocking bad actors! Saturday, birthday dinner for Miss Alfeo....can't wait for that shindig. Fun stuff with fun people, unless that annoying Captain Charisma shows up. And Sunday, well, lets just say espionage is on the rise, and those good spys really throw a cog in my goings ons. Well, I think since I am so popular, I will start charging for apperances. 3 dollars a pop sounds good. Don't want to chase all the ladies away. So thats the weekend in a nutshell, wait, you hear that? Let me guess? Waterfall? Yep. Jagged rocks at the bottom? Most likely. Bring it on.

Fear nothing but the Lord, for His judgement is all that is to be feared.

1 comment:

The Beav said...

For you, I'll appear free of charge any time you ask me to grace you with my presence. I'd be deeply honored.