Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Call me: Codebreaker Zero

Wow, I never knew that someone out there would really care for me like this. I am extremely touched (really, there could be tears). Before I get on to that, I have to say that I am amazed that a wedding can cause such a fervor amongst my colleagues. A little marriage between two people caused this rupture in the fabric of the blogging universe. I must say. There are 'those' who are declaring their singleness, and others lamenting about the same fact. Ofcourse, that leaves me, right there in the middle, Mr. Nice Guy. The eternal one, the guy who holds the Guinness Book World Record for being told 'I just want to be friends' the most than any other guy in the world. Wow, what a stinking honor. I have no issue being the constant and proverbial big brother, but that will never get my mother the grandchildren she so desperately wants (there is the Asian baby black market...).

A certain someone posted a comment about the certain somebody she has the crushes on for, and after careful analyzation, I discovered a code in their post (turns out the secret crush is ME!!!) Who would of thunkt it? Not I, thats for sure. I had to go all "A Beautiful Mind" to discover it, but I did. How you ask? Simple, Just take the second N, the 13th I, 40th C, and the last K, and you get me, NICK. Then the very last paragraph proclaims this hidden love for me! I am extremely touched.

Ok, in all seriousness (I am just kidding bout the code), this person who I'm talking about has become a real special friend to me over the past couple of months. Although she and I have had our differences, squabbles, and all around irritations towards one another, she has proven to be a valuable person in my life. She has a special place in my heart, will always hold my admiration, prayers, and keep me in utter awe when it comes to anything she does. I'm going to keep her in my prayers that she gets the loving and supportive husband she deserves. I am thankful that she is in my life, and so very lucky to know her, and be able to joke like she and I do.

Wow, I can be a real sap. I'm just a sucker for pretty women. I'll get ribbed from the guys about this. It's all good though, I meant every word of it

If we all go for the blonde and block each other, not a single one of us is going to get her. So then we go for her friends, but they will all give us the cold shoulder because no on likes to be second choice. But what if none of us goes for the blonde? We won't get in each other's way and we won't insult the other girls. It's the only way to win.

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