Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gun Safety: I Promise I'll Try to Never Shoot Myself

So, today is the day after valentines day. What a sham of a day. Hallmark created valentines day just to make those of us who are single (like me) feel inadequate. Plus, my friends who are not single, love to rub the fact that they have someone, IN MY FACE! Not cool man, not cool at all. So, I and a friend of mine, Mr. Beltcher boycotted valentines day, and we went to The Sharpshooter to look at guns (thats right, the macho man thing to do, check out firearms). Saw alot of really cool guns, and now I want one. I want my concealed handgun license. I think the whole world will be safer that I get to carry a gun around. But unfortunately, my family doesn't think that I'm safe enough to carry a gun. They are afraid that I'd do something like this here:

Yeah, can you believe that? I would never EVER do that. I have not given one instance where that kind of thought could be even processed about me. I kinda feel like Ralphy here, from a 'Christmas Story', and them telling me I'd shoot my eye out. I'm not going to be cocky and say that I know for a fact that I would never do that, just because it is stupid to make that kind of statement, but I would get my CHL, and the classes that go along with it, that would make me safer. My father pointed out he said it was scary since I have quite a bit of Smith blood in me, and that is just a precursor to danger (I resemble that remark). Well, now that my mom knows about that (you should since you read this), prove him wrong, and get me a gun. Thats all I have to say. I want a gun!!!!

My new roommate moves in tonight. Exciting. We'll see how it goes, having a female roommate and all, but I know it will be all good. I grew up with a sister, but she never spoke spanish, or was from columbia. That might be a new thing, but I know for sure that I better not get less than a B in spanish II.
Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work you can always hit them with it.


Anonymous said...

What did I tell you about you getting a gun! Remember your three thousand dollar finger and that was just with a pair of scissors, just think what you could damage with a gun. You'll shoot your finger off or something else and I will never get grandchildren.I have not seen or heard any good reason why you should have a gun or get your CGL. But you are over 21 years of age but your mom will not be paying for it! There is alot more things that you need before you need to purchase a gun.

Anonymous said...
Here it is sucker!