Saturday, February 18, 2006

Grand Theft Auto: Corpus Christi

In a country galvanized by war, a current vice president has taken up where arron burr left off. No more mr. nice cheney. This time, he's out for more blood in the heart of south texas:
I've had some friends ask me about what was going on with dead eye dick, and the whole accidental shooting. Simple, VP cheney believes he's in his very own version of grand theft auto: Corpus Christi. He went out and found himself a rampage icon, and went on a killing spree. He's out shooting everyone. It's no longer a safe place to be here in corpus christi. Even me, the toughest man in the world, is afraid for my life. Talk about scary. You never know where Dead eye Dick might jump out at you. Run for your life, man, RUN!!!!

My mother wants a reason why I need a CHL? That's why, Dead Eye Dick is on the loose (told ya that I'd find a reason for me needing one!). On to other news, Friday was one of the most interesting 24 hours I've experienced in quite a while. First, I got to have the privledge of having dinner with Misty, Jakob, and his family at Millers (you have to get the po'boy with spicey sausage, it's to die for). Talked with Jakobs grandfather about the life and times during WW2, and his experiences on a USN battlecruiser (I have a ton of respect for any WW2 vet). After dinner, World Domination participated in the spring tourney on campus. Well, we won. Finally, last seasons demise was avenged. Can you believe it? I found the net from full court (yes Justin I know, I'm a cheap baseball card and you own me, but still, FULL COURT MAN!).

After soccer, Jakob, Misty, Justin and Sarah, and myself went and joined Jess Kelley at the youth lock-in at church. Things went pretty smooth for the time that we were there...well I say smooth. Kids are hellions, and sometimes you just want to shoot them, I know I wanted to. Anyways, the kids played 'Underground Church', and for those of you who have never heard of this game, its quite simple. There are 3-4 guards, one of which is a crypto-Christian. His job is to get other Christians (all the other players in the game) to the church before the bad guards catch them. This guard must also watch his six because if the other guards figure him out, then he can be killed, game over...(YOU HEAR ME? GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER!). Oh yeah, the game is played in pitch black conditions, only the guards have lights. While playing two of these runts were running (which they were specifically told NOT to do), and had a meeting of minds, so to speak. We're talking lots of blood, yes, one of them sprung a leak from their noggin. Jess and I worked like a flawless team, and helped take care of everything. Poor girl, she had to get 9 stitches in her head. Funniest part, while I'm going to the first aid kit, Tommy comes waltzing into the kitchen asking me, "Hey, why are you turning all the lights on?" I gave him the quick rundown for our stricken victim. While Jess and Tommy were escorting the bleeder to the hospital, Jakob and I had to stay at the church to help keep things under control. Crikes. I wasn't home until 8 this morning. Over 24 hours of non-stop action. I'm pooped. For those of you out there, the Grand Theft Auto, is a trademark of Rockstar games, but I plan to write up a neat little synopsis of GTA: Corpus Christi. I think it will be funny, and maybe just what my blog needs for national notoriety. Crossing my fingers.

One day while sitting in class you'll look outside the window to see Russians dropping down to take us over. What are you gonna do then, huh? Run into the woods with your friends, put twigs in your hair, call yourselves the Wolverines and fight off the Russians? I think not.

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