Sunday, March 26, 2006

Discussions at the Dinner Table

I've been looking for a job for quite a while now, but I have yet to find anything that will pay me what I need to be making (then again, its to the point where anything will do, time to stretch the search to where I don't want to go, but have to). It is kind of sad. There are jobs open everywhere back home. Who knows, maybe thats my calling to go back home, who knows? I'll leave that up to prayer, and God's will. Prayer is the best bet to figure anything out, just listen, God will talk to ya.

So, tonight at dinner with Le' and Adde, the conversation came up about how good of hitmen we'd be. Adde says that neither of us would make good hitmen (our morals and devotion to Christ would come into conflict). Then again, the whole question comes down to. Is it murder when you kill someone who deserves to die? Execution style? If it is in a zealousness for the Lord, and doing what he wants? I think it could easily done, just make sure that your heart is set in doing the Lord's will, not your own. I don't think that is what God wants done though (can't go all Boondock on people). The judgement is all his, not ours to fullfill. Given the order, though, I could wax someone. Since I can't kill someone, this is how I plan to have people waxed.

Anyways, after dinner, we went and saw 'Inside Man', the new Denzeil Washington flick. In all honesty, it wasn't that bad of a film (alot better than the last Denzeil flick, John Q, this one wasn't a public comment movie). Makes one wonder how easy it would be to rob a bank. What am I talking about? I've already made my statement about my moral standing. I couldn't that, because there is no way God would call someone to steal what is already his. Yeah.

Well, we're in the desert, looking for the source of a river pollutant, using as our map a cave drawing of a Civil War gunship, which is also in the desert. So I was just wondering when we're gonna have to sit down and re-evaluate our decision-making paradigm?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm Distracted

Well, I've waited to post since the whole V for Vomit fiasco, due to a novel idea that I conjured. Unfortunatly, I've had very little response, so I'm going to try yet again to work on this 'project'. Until then, what? I need to write something. My adoring fans miss me so, so very much (well, in my own head they do, but then again thats just me and my random psychosis). So, what is it that I have kept myself busy with? Well, the ususal, looking for a job, working up at the church, doing the school thing, and hanging out with my peeps. Of course, there is more. I recently got rid of my playstation, as I wrote last time, and traded it in for a Gamecube (goodbye 3rd party programing, hello Nintendo genius). I have only one disc, of course, it has 4 games on it, all from the greatest game line E-V-E-R! Thats right, The Legend of Zelda! Then again, when you play Zelda, you begin to notice something, a bit of a side effect if you will (10 to be exact, and I'll count'em down for you, my adoring fans)...
10 signs you spend too much time in Hyrule:
  1. asking who stole your bomb bag, because you can't find it
  2. always looking for skultulas
  3. hoping that Princess Zelda is safe
  4. wanting to pick up rocks, hoping to find rupees
  5. you look for your ocarina.
  6. worrying that when it turns dark, that you will be attacked by a poe
  7. you wonder where your Hyrule Shield is
  8. everything you look at you feel is a puzzle
  9. the nagging question about the reoccuring hallucination, 'is that fairy flying over my shoulder real or not?' and 'should I listen to its advice?'
  10. You hear the zelda theme song everywhere
I know, crazy. Then again, that is me. Crazy. To keep you posted, I'm about to enter the Shadow temple at the bottom of the Kieriko well. Wish me luck.
Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

V is for Vomit

I am not one to use this space for political purposes (well once, but that was for a completely different reason, I started me a friggen political party, had to advertise somehow). Seriously, how amazing is it that there are those who can release such spin on the most aweful of things, and claim that this movie was nothing more than something containging controversial subjects and hot button issues, and this is not the a modern-fare movie. Of course, I'll explain how I took the film, and explain why I think that V stands for vomit. On the flip side of it, the cinematography of the Wachowski brothers was second to none (they even brought in the director who did the 'Matrix', so that I give them cudos, and for using Hugo Weaving, that was great).

I have traded in my PS2, and that means no more Grand Theft Auto of any kind. On to a more civil and clean system...hello Gamecube. Now, why do you ask that I switched to a bit more of a kiddy platform with kid titles? It's quite simple, FOR THE ZELDA GAMES! The greatest story line for a game series ever, and if you need any more reason, check this out...

I mean straight up awesome. I can't wait. Too bad it won't be out til around my BIRTHDAY! Hoo buddy, what a great birthday gift idea (hint hint).

Springbreak came and went. Nothing happened, except spending time with good friends. That I really enjoyed. Wish I could have gone camping, but you can't win 'em all.

So on to the movie, and its political 'agenda'. Basically, the English 'Conservative' party releases this virus that they created and blamed it upon terrorists (the movie never gives mention to their nationality or creed, but still, terrorists). V, the guy behind the mask, he had an antigen in his blood that killed the virus, and that was known, but the government kept it under raps, let it explode, then were elected into power. Hmm, I think they were attacking the 98 Congress there. Anyways, the minor politician who rose to power (Dubbya), and his pal and underling who suggested to let this outbreak occur (Cheney), made millions along with their friends who owned stock in the one company that had the antigen (Halliburton and the whole Iraq contract). The overall parallels I can go on for ever but I don't want this to be a political site. I'll just straight up ruin the movie for you, so you won't waste your money to see it. The whole movie follows Natalie Portman, and detective out to catch V, and of course, V. They censor, tourcher, kill, people that are against their stance. In the end, everyone is killed, except the detective and Natalie Portman. The whole government (the totalitarian state) is overthrown, end of movie. Pure crap. Oh did I mention that their voice of Britian, was a tv talk show host, guess he was supposed to be Rush Limbaugh, because we all know Al Franken gets no audience. Only one thing came out of the movie that I liked, and its my quote for the post. Sorry to ruin the answer.
The people shouldn't fear the government, the government should fear its people.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Where Have All My Fans Gone?

Who knew that changing a car starter in a Wienerschnitzel parking lot for 3+ hours could be so invigorating? I mean to tell you, 120lbs torque bolts equal tons of fun (like skinny dipping in the mouth of an active volcano). It was an adventure, I had to use my massive muscles to break these bad boy bolts, and ingeniously insert the new starter. Jakob helped of course, he held the flashlight so I could see what it was that I was doing. An added bonus to this fun? FREE DINNER AT MACARONI GRILL! (boy you gotta love free Italian food).

Now I must say that I'm getting sick and tired of blogging and blogging with no comments to pay off for what I write about. C'mon! (the only feedback that I do get was on xanga, and it was just to mock me). Why do I keep writing then? Ah, I'm just a sucker to have a place to ramble. Boy howdy, am I great at that or what? But if you are reading this, then COMMENT! Even if you only put 'comment' down, I would be pleased.

So how can I generate a buzz to get feedback? Stimulate conversation, thats how! But, how should I go about it? Do I insult people, and draw anger comments? Nah, I'm not that mean of a person (really, I'm not, I don't kick old ladies...often). Oooh! Oooh! I know! Bring back 'Toss-Up Time'! Thats how to do it. Remember? Ninjas vs. Pirates? So, why don't we play kiddies?

Here we go, toss up no. 1: Yakuza vs. Russian Crime Syndicate
Well, to be a member of the yakuza, you get to carry around fully automatic machine guns, and a katana sword. That is defiantly pimp. Also, you get to wear really snazy black suits. Your typical mode of transportation is a really hoss crotchrocket (quick transport to kill lots of folk). Oh, and you get to speak mad Japanese (it will be like living in your own anime movie...yeah, movie).

How about the RCS? That's cool First and foremost, YOU SPEAK FREAKIN RUSSIAN! It is stinkin awesome to talk in a language that people will assume you are always angry and going to kill them. Talk about being a bully. If anyone has seen 'Boondock Saints', here's a reason to want to be RCS, you get to have a Desert Eagle .50 with the sickle and hammer on the front of it (that will drive terror in your shakedown victims). That, and the RCS doesn't get involved in the drugs like the Yakuza does. Plus, being RCS means you'll be just like Boris the Blade. Sharp like a sickle, and as hard as the hammer crossing it.

Talk about a close toss up, but when it comes down to it, I'd have to go RCS, because Russian women look better than the Japanese women, imo. That, and being Russian is much cooler than being Japanese, hands down, no doubt.

Ok, toss up no. 2: Country Music Singer vs. a leper
Hmm, well if you are a country music singer, that means you get to sings songs about your hunting dog, your lousy cheating wife, the nights of drinking copious amounts of alcohol, your really big truck, and of course always singing about your secret fishing hole. The shirts you can wear are not covered by the fashion police jurisdiction, and 10 gallon hats are cool. The tight jeans, you get to wear tight jeans, and ride a horse (or a bull if you're man enough, or Shania Twain, just hoping that she gets bucked off it). Oh and you could be linked up with the greats like uh...hmm, let me see...yeah, you'll get to be like one of those greats!

You will be an elite few who will have this great affliction that is aptly known as leprosy. You can handle armadillos with out fear (you have leprosy, so there is nothing else you can worry about from them). If you are a leper, well, you get a great pickup line:
'Excuse me Miss, but is that my finger in your salad?'
Yeah, thats great. Women will just eat that up (the line, not the finger, and if she does, run for your life because cannibalism is bad). As a leper, you'll get sent out to some remote tropical paradise surrounded by other lepers, and get to play games like, 'whos hand is it', and the leper classic, 'pin the nose on the donkey' (just remember which nose is yours).

Wow, yet another close toss up, but to be honest, everyone is going to choose to be a leper. No self respecting person is going to want to be known as s country singer, unless you get to be as freaking cool as Johnny Cash (unless you are Jakob, he wants to be like Keith Urban, or Shania Twain, I forget which one).

Oh yeah, check this video out, I might just have to order me a phone book because of this:

If you hold back anything, I'll kill ya. If you bend the truth or I think your bending the truth, I'll kill ya. If you forget anything I'll kill ya. In fact, you're gonna have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick. Now do you understand everything I've said? Because if you don't, I'll kill ya.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Insert Thoughts Here

Well, it is officially March 6th, and a certain someone is turning 30 on this day. Not going to mention their name, just want to wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (if all the stuff done to their office wasn't enough). But enough talk about this joyous occasion, there will be more stories later, when we torment this over-the-hiller later.

We had the first half of the Christ/No Christ debate, and I was the prosecution attacking Christianity. Extremely odd feeling, especially since the side I was defending (against Christ) is a side that I am totally against. God used me, spoke through me, addressing topics that many non-believers take, gave me some insight on how to talk to them, knowing the basis of their argument. My speech was eloquent, powerful and full of force. I kinda felt like a dictator, slamming the podium, getting fired up, and just letting loose. Jakob impressed me with his indepth knowledge and lack of notes to use. Great stuff. Of course, he got the good part, made it easy for him (well, I'm trying to make it hard, so that he has to work for it, but still, easy). Truly blessed to have such a great friend (he's the coolest thing since the invention of sliced bread). We finish our debate next week, and Jakob gets to present his case, and I get to muddy the water with my incessant rebuttals. I hope I lose.

After church, we went to eat at beamers....Good food (I brought a pizza from home). While there, I saw someone from my past that I kinda never hoped to see again. Funny thing is, she walked right past me, didn't say a word. I'm talking 5 feet. I know, I know, I could have said something back as well, but its the principle. I should have drop kicked her in the head (that would have made me feel better). I'm thankful that JK was there and she rode with me (she's really awesome and hot so that made me look awesome, but we all know I was better lookin than the guy Doris was with). Maybe some day JK will accept my invitation to go out with me, but she's too great a friend, and I really enjoy where we stand with one another (even though I give her constant grief about it). Of course, if you think I find Jakob the coolest thing since sliced bread, JK is as awesome as witnessing a supernova from half a mile away. Just awesome. I'm truly blessed to have her in my life as well...all of my friends are great (this point would be even more sappy if I could put really sad music to play as I say this, but I can't, but just try to imagine it).

Mom, Dad, I'm broke, send money! (if you'd like to of course, I don't have a problem eating the opossums I catch in my yard, really). Oh yeah, today is the day this movie comes out. The third film by Guy Ritchie.

There is something about yourself that you don't know. Something that you will deny even exists, until it's too late to do anything about it. It's the only reason you get up in the morning. The only reason you suffer the blood, the sweat and the tears. This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. Fear or revere me, but please, think I'm special. We share an addiction. We're approval junkies. We're all in it for the slap on the back and the gold watch. The hip-hip-hoo-stinkin' rah. Look at the clever boy with the badge, polishing his trophy. Shine on you crazy diamond, because we're just monkeys wrapped in suits, begging for the approval of others.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ideas? I Don't Need no Stinkin' Ideas!

Ok, life is interesting. I love life. No real complaints, other than I'd like a little more cabbage in my wallet, but that is a thing just about everyone goes through. Again, no complaints. Spring Break is close, a week away to be exact. I'm excited. I think I might get to go camping for free. I love camping. Of course, the real reason I look forward to camping is catching a lot of these:
Oh buddy, talk about fun. Grab one of those babies by the tail, and let the good times roll (hey, leprosy isn't as bad as it once was, besides, the ladies already treat me like I am a leper). My friends here are great, but the cross-roads in my life are approaching as well. As I state constantly, I am graduating in May. I have no clue where I will be come June of 2006. I don't want to think about it, and I know God is going to provide, but I will really hate to leave this great support family that I've gathered around me (from top to bottom great people, great people indeed). I pray everyday for the direction God has in store for me, but He must feel I'm not ready for that next step, or I'm just too blind to see and act on it (I tend to be slow from time to time, until God has had enough and rapps me across the nose to get my attention). I'll be enlightened on that next step, so until then I will spend my time praising Him, loving the time around my friends, and keeping my eye out for Miss Right (gotta stay away from Miss Right Now, found that out the hard way last time, because she was catholic). Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to bottle up your friends so you have them forever (wait, that is what memories are for). Ok, so no more depressing thoughts from me.

I need to start carrying around a notepad to write down my thoughts for what to write about here on my blog. I have multiple ideas during they day, and when I'm around my computer, they get written about. Then, other times, I'm no where near my computer, and these great ideas go poof, like smoke in the wind. GAH! That totally drives me crazy (a taperecorder would be nice). I'll figure something out.

So today, I went with Jakob, and his grandparents grocery shopping. Talk about entertaining, his grandparents are two of the most entertaining old people I've met here in South Texas (As far as East Texas is concerned, I can think of a couple of other old farts that would hold that distinction). One thing that I learned, Jakob will argue with a fence post (then again, so would I, it is kinda strange how the world works, putting two stubborn people together like that, just leads to mayhem).

We went and saw 'Ultraviolet' tonight. Milla Jovavich, she has come quite a ways since 'The 5th Element'. Then again, acting along side Bruce Willis can catapult your career quite a ways (now if I could only get into show business and act alongside Bruce Willis, maybe a DieHard movie, that would be awesome). The previews before this movie were, well for a lack of a better term, crap. Nothing but scary movies, even that new Wayans film (S..C..A..R..Y..!..!..!) What, you didn't think I'd spell it out for you? I'm a nice guy. After the flick, got to go to Wal-Mart with Jakob so he could get a beta. I just don't get the concept of beta's but hey, others do (and they don't get me, so I guess it is a win/win situation for all involved). Man, you got to love Wal-Mart after midnight, brings back the old days to me. Then again, I see anything 80's, and it is the old days for me (Man I'm old). Might go to the beach tomorrow with JK, and the gang. We will see, we will see

Now I don't have to tell you good folks what's been happening in our beloved little town. Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded, and cattle raped. The time has come to act, and act fast. I'm leaving.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Marriage? You Want to Talk to Me About marriage?!

One thing I don't understand about myself? Why do I choose to eat foods that always end up more on me, than in my mouth? Am I such a glutton for punishment? I suppose, but lomaine is such a great noodle to eat with kang pow chicken, or any chineese dish. It's just killer. So, I had lunch with Jakob today, and I'm sure by me already ranting about having food on me you can guess where we ate, that's right ladies and gents, Hunan's Express. The food ain't bad, although it is pretty funny to eat at a chineese restaurant that has a short order cook that happens to be hispanic (that just bemuses me a bit). While we ate, Jakob and I had a few discussions, about life, women, God, sports (actually, I was the one talking about sports, Jakob just kind of stared at me with a bewildered look on his face, then again, most people get that look on their face while I'm talking to them), and how I need to get more traffic to read my blog. So, I have devised a method to get more people to read my blog, and that is by posting the site on every post I leave on xanga. That could get a few more people to read this drabble. Sweet, what an awesome idea.

I read JK's post today, and it has inspired me to write on a certain topic that has consumed our blogsphere (maybe because people have been taking part in this ritual lately, I'm not quite sure), but marriage seems to be a hot topic amongst those here in Corpus. JK wants a husband, Jakob wants a wife, my mother wants me to get married (for the grandchildren, because I think she's tired of dealing with the only kid in the house she's got left, my dad), and even I thought I wanted to get hitched. Seriously, I thought I must, although the clock is ticking on my prime hunting grounds (I do graduate from college in May). Well, that was my desire until I did a little research, check it out:
Information for Mail Order Bride from Russia...$10
Flight from Mother Russia...........................$1,849
Visa Into the United States..........................$135
Fairfield Language Rosetta Stone-Russian.......$180
Wedding Dress and Tuxedo..........................$600
Wedding Rings.........................................$500
Marrying someone, who when she yells at you, you have no idea what the hell she's talking about......priceless.
There are somethings money can buy, for everything else, it just takes time..
Yeah, although while finding out how much it would cost to get a mail order bride, there seemed to be alot of pretty girls all over the world wanting to come to America. Why do we Americans overlook this God-given ability to live in such an awesome country, yet we expunge our freedoms by bickering. It just blows me away. Anyways, some day I'll get married, sooner or later, but by then I'll have my CHL, so that will make it all ok.
Maybe I didn't really know you. Maybe you were just a mirage. Maybe the world is full of food and sex and spectacle and we're all just hurling towards an apocalypse, in which case it's not your fault. I'm been thinking about all these things and... you're probably standing there monitoring. And one more thing - about the letter. Nuke it. Flame it. Destroy it. - It hurts me to know it's out there. Later.