Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ideas? I Don't Need no Stinkin' Ideas!

Ok, life is interesting. I love life. No real complaints, other than I'd like a little more cabbage in my wallet, but that is a thing just about everyone goes through. Again, no complaints. Spring Break is close, a week away to be exact. I'm excited. I think I might get to go camping for free. I love camping. Of course, the real reason I look forward to camping is catching a lot of these:
Oh buddy, talk about fun. Grab one of those babies by the tail, and let the good times roll (hey, leprosy isn't as bad as it once was, besides, the ladies already treat me like I am a leper). My friends here are great, but the cross-roads in my life are approaching as well. As I state constantly, I am graduating in May. I have no clue where I will be come June of 2006. I don't want to think about it, and I know God is going to provide, but I will really hate to leave this great support family that I've gathered around me (from top to bottom great people, great people indeed). I pray everyday for the direction God has in store for me, but He must feel I'm not ready for that next step, or I'm just too blind to see and act on it (I tend to be slow from time to time, until God has had enough and rapps me across the nose to get my attention). I'll be enlightened on that next step, so until then I will spend my time praising Him, loving the time around my friends, and keeping my eye out for Miss Right (gotta stay away from Miss Right Now, found that out the hard way last time, because she was catholic). Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to bottle up your friends so you have them forever (wait, that is what memories are for). Ok, so no more depressing thoughts from me.

I need to start carrying around a notepad to write down my thoughts for what to write about here on my blog. I have multiple ideas during they day, and when I'm around my computer, they get written about. Then, other times, I'm no where near my computer, and these great ideas go poof, like smoke in the wind. GAH! That totally drives me crazy (a taperecorder would be nice). I'll figure something out.

So today, I went with Jakob, and his grandparents grocery shopping. Talk about entertaining, his grandparents are two of the most entertaining old people I've met here in South Texas (As far as East Texas is concerned, I can think of a couple of other old farts that would hold that distinction). One thing that I learned, Jakob will argue with a fence post (then again, so would I, it is kinda strange how the world works, putting two stubborn people together like that, just leads to mayhem).

We went and saw 'Ultraviolet' tonight. Milla Jovavich, she has come quite a ways since 'The 5th Element'. Then again, acting along side Bruce Willis can catapult your career quite a ways (now if I could only get into show business and act alongside Bruce Willis, maybe a DieHard movie, that would be awesome). The previews before this movie were, well for a lack of a better term, crap. Nothing but scary movies, even that new Wayans film (S..C..A..R..Y..!..!..!) What, you didn't think I'd spell it out for you? I'm a nice guy. After the flick, got to go to Wal-Mart with Jakob so he could get a beta. I just don't get the concept of beta's but hey, others do (and they don't get me, so I guess it is a win/win situation for all involved). Man, you got to love Wal-Mart after midnight, brings back the old days to me. Then again, I see anything 80's, and it is the old days for me (Man I'm old). Might go to the beach tomorrow with JK, and the gang. We will see, we will see

Now I don't have to tell you good folks what's been happening in our beloved little town. Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded, and cattle raped. The time has come to act, and act fast. I'm leaving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice picture! Too bad you can't see the foam flecks coming out of his mouth.