Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Marriage? You Want to Talk to Me About marriage?!

One thing I don't understand about myself? Why do I choose to eat foods that always end up more on me, than in my mouth? Am I such a glutton for punishment? I suppose, but lomaine is such a great noodle to eat with kang pow chicken, or any chineese dish. It's just killer. So, I had lunch with Jakob today, and I'm sure by me already ranting about having food on me you can guess where we ate, that's right ladies and gents, Hunan's Express. The food ain't bad, although it is pretty funny to eat at a chineese restaurant that has a short order cook that happens to be hispanic (that just bemuses me a bit). While we ate, Jakob and I had a few discussions, about life, women, God, sports (actually, I was the one talking about sports, Jakob just kind of stared at me with a bewildered look on his face, then again, most people get that look on their face while I'm talking to them), and how I need to get more traffic to read my blog. So, I have devised a method to get more people to read my blog, and that is by posting the site on every post I leave on xanga. That could get a few more people to read this drabble. Sweet, what an awesome idea.

I read JK's post today, and it has inspired me to write on a certain topic that has consumed our blogsphere (maybe because people have been taking part in this ritual lately, I'm not quite sure), but marriage seems to be a hot topic amongst those here in Corpus. JK wants a husband, Jakob wants a wife, my mother wants me to get married (for the grandchildren, because I think she's tired of dealing with the only kid in the house she's got left, my dad), and even I thought I wanted to get hitched. Seriously, I thought I must, although the clock is ticking on my prime hunting grounds (I do graduate from college in May). Well, that was my desire until I did a little research, check it out:
Information for Mail Order Bride from Russia...$10
Flight from Mother Russia...........................$1,849
Visa Into the United States..........................$135
Fairfield Language Rosetta Stone-Russian.......$180
Wedding Dress and Tuxedo..........................$600
Wedding Rings.........................................$500
Marrying someone, who when she yells at you, you have no idea what the hell she's talking about......priceless.
There are somethings money can buy, for everything else, it just takes time..
Yeah, although while finding out how much it would cost to get a mail order bride, there seemed to be alot of pretty girls all over the world wanting to come to America. Why do we Americans overlook this God-given ability to live in such an awesome country, yet we expunge our freedoms by bickering. It just blows me away. Anyways, some day I'll get married, sooner or later, but by then I'll have my CHL, so that will make it all ok.
Maybe I didn't really know you. Maybe you were just a mirage. Maybe the world is full of food and sex and spectacle and we're all just hurling towards an apocalypse, in which case it's not your fault. I'm been thinking about all these things and... you're probably standing there monitoring. And one more thing - about the letter. Nuke it. Flame it. Destroy it. - It hurts me to know it's out there. Later.

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