Sunday, March 19, 2006

V is for Vomit

I am not one to use this space for political purposes (well once, but that was for a completely different reason, I started me a friggen political party, had to advertise somehow). Seriously, how amazing is it that there are those who can release such spin on the most aweful of things, and claim that this movie was nothing more than something containging controversial subjects and hot button issues, and this is not the a modern-fare movie. Of course, I'll explain how I took the film, and explain why I think that V stands for vomit. On the flip side of it, the cinematography of the Wachowski brothers was second to none (they even brought in the director who did the 'Matrix', so that I give them cudos, and for using Hugo Weaving, that was great).

I have traded in my PS2, and that means no more Grand Theft Auto of any kind. On to a more civil and clean system...hello Gamecube. Now, why do you ask that I switched to a bit more of a kiddy platform with kid titles? It's quite simple, FOR THE ZELDA GAMES! The greatest story line for a game series ever, and if you need any more reason, check this out...

I mean straight up awesome. I can't wait. Too bad it won't be out til around my BIRTHDAY! Hoo buddy, what a great birthday gift idea (hint hint).

Springbreak came and went. Nothing happened, except spending time with good friends. That I really enjoyed. Wish I could have gone camping, but you can't win 'em all.

So on to the movie, and its political 'agenda'. Basically, the English 'Conservative' party releases this virus that they created and blamed it upon terrorists (the movie never gives mention to their nationality or creed, but still, terrorists). V, the guy behind the mask, he had an antigen in his blood that killed the virus, and that was known, but the government kept it under raps, let it explode, then were elected into power. Hmm, I think they were attacking the 98 Congress there. Anyways, the minor politician who rose to power (Dubbya), and his pal and underling who suggested to let this outbreak occur (Cheney), made millions along with their friends who owned stock in the one company that had the antigen (Halliburton and the whole Iraq contract). The overall parallels I can go on for ever but I don't want this to be a political site. I'll just straight up ruin the movie for you, so you won't waste your money to see it. The whole movie follows Natalie Portman, and detective out to catch V, and of course, V. They censor, tourcher, kill, people that are against their stance. In the end, everyone is killed, except the detective and Natalie Portman. The whole government (the totalitarian state) is overthrown, end of movie. Pure crap. Oh did I mention that their voice of Britian, was a tv talk show host, guess he was supposed to be Rush Limbaugh, because we all know Al Franken gets no audience. Only one thing came out of the movie that I liked, and its my quote for the post. Sorry to ruin the answer.
The people shouldn't fear the government, the government should fear its people.

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