Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm Distracted

Well, I've waited to post since the whole V for Vomit fiasco, due to a novel idea that I conjured. Unfortunatly, I've had very little response, so I'm going to try yet again to work on this 'project'. Until then, what? I need to write something. My adoring fans miss me so, so very much (well, in my own head they do, but then again thats just me and my random psychosis). So, what is it that I have kept myself busy with? Well, the ususal, looking for a job, working up at the church, doing the school thing, and hanging out with my peeps. Of course, there is more. I recently got rid of my playstation, as I wrote last time, and traded it in for a Gamecube (goodbye 3rd party programing, hello Nintendo genius). I have only one disc, of course, it has 4 games on it, all from the greatest game line E-V-E-R! Thats right, The Legend of Zelda! Then again, when you play Zelda, you begin to notice something, a bit of a side effect if you will (10 to be exact, and I'll count'em down for you, my adoring fans)...
10 signs you spend too much time in Hyrule:
  1. asking who stole your bomb bag, because you can't find it
  2. always looking for skultulas
  3. hoping that Princess Zelda is safe
  4. wanting to pick up rocks, hoping to find rupees
  5. you look for your ocarina.
  6. worrying that when it turns dark, that you will be attacked by a poe
  7. you wonder where your Hyrule Shield is
  8. everything you look at you feel is a puzzle
  9. the nagging question about the reoccuring hallucination, 'is that fairy flying over my shoulder real or not?' and 'should I listen to its advice?'
  10. You hear the zelda theme song everywhere
I know, crazy. Then again, that is me. Crazy. To keep you posted, I'm about to enter the Shadow temple at the bottom of the Kieriko well. Wish me luck.
Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo.

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