Sunday, March 26, 2006

Discussions at the Dinner Table

I've been looking for a job for quite a while now, but I have yet to find anything that will pay me what I need to be making (then again, its to the point where anything will do, time to stretch the search to where I don't want to go, but have to). It is kind of sad. There are jobs open everywhere back home. Who knows, maybe thats my calling to go back home, who knows? I'll leave that up to prayer, and God's will. Prayer is the best bet to figure anything out, just listen, God will talk to ya.

So, tonight at dinner with Le' and Adde, the conversation came up about how good of hitmen we'd be. Adde says that neither of us would make good hitmen (our morals and devotion to Christ would come into conflict). Then again, the whole question comes down to. Is it murder when you kill someone who deserves to die? Execution style? If it is in a zealousness for the Lord, and doing what he wants? I think it could easily done, just make sure that your heart is set in doing the Lord's will, not your own. I don't think that is what God wants done though (can't go all Boondock on people). The judgement is all his, not ours to fullfill. Given the order, though, I could wax someone. Since I can't kill someone, this is how I plan to have people waxed.

Anyways, after dinner, we went and saw 'Inside Man', the new Denzeil Washington flick. In all honesty, it wasn't that bad of a film (alot better than the last Denzeil flick, John Q, this one wasn't a public comment movie). Makes one wonder how easy it would be to rob a bank. What am I talking about? I've already made my statement about my moral standing. I couldn't that, because there is no way God would call someone to steal what is already his. Yeah.

Well, we're in the desert, looking for the source of a river pollutant, using as our map a cave drawing of a Civil War gunship, which is also in the desert. So I was just wondering when we're gonna have to sit down and re-evaluate our decision-making paradigm?

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