Sunday, November 06, 2005

Addicted to This Mess

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I didn't post yesterday! What have I done? I have really dropped the ball. I have failed as a blogger. Oh wait, its only after midnight. Theoretically, its still today. Whew, I dodged a bullet......fuh-crying out loud! (I had that line stold from a movie.) I'm addicted to blogging. I've posted twice in one day! I might as well just start spreading beltway gossip about which Senator is sleeping with his (or her, gotta be politically correct) press secretary. Then again, I was swayed by Le', and petition that the articles of confederation be re-enstated. Actually, we can talk about how Texas was not formally enlisted into the Union, and that we are technically still our own Republic. And people want to know why we are so proud.

My back hurts. Its been hurting. Hopefully it will stop hurting. But, I'm not whining, just stating a fact. Using this blog as a space to inform people how I am feeling. I missed the morning church service, and I feel bad about that, but I did get up to church in time to start setting up for the night service. While setting up, I got to play Mr. Diaz, and Le' both two games of ping pong. I went 4 and 0 against them combined. Le' thinks its due to my hurt back and I can't take such an agressive cut at the ball, thus less spin, and the ball stayed on the table...but I'm willing to wager that it was his dollar paddle that seemed to have a hole in it every time he took a swing at the ball (swing batter batter, whiff!). Church went great, minus our presentaiton program on the computer, that program is aweful (Irene if you are reading this, I guess we better go with Easy Worship, since it follows its name moniker). You have to click too many buttons to go from slide to slide. Its like powerpoint from hell. Ah well. Beamers was great, learned a new card trick and got to impress people. Saw a movie, then taught magic tricks to my room mates. Thats what I call a semi-productive day.

Agenda for the week ahead:
  1. Group project for "Experimental Psychology"
  2. Group project for "Drug Use and Abuse"
  3. Prepare for the camping trip
  4. Buy weapons on the black market
  5. Work up plans to conquer the World
  6. Cook potato soup since I have little money (poor mans meal, plus its very tasty!)
  7. Strike 4 and 5 because the Government probably reads my blog. (Way to go Big Brother, I am a Republican you know, and you let Carl Rove go, why won't you leave me alone?!)
  8. Find good lawyer, now that the Government will be indicting me
  9. Wake up from my manic state
  10. Indoor Soccer on Monday night @ 12:30PM (If anyone is interested in attending, we'll be in the gym on campus! Come cheer on "World Domination"!)
Thats a great schedule I've got for myself. Busy, busy, busy. I'm just one busy beaver. Wow, now that is what I call corney.

"Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


The Beav said...

Wow, have I gotten that bad that I ignore people around me? Well isn't that just awEsome. (by the way, awesome has an E after the w. just an fyi). I don't want the mean men in white coats to come take me away again! Please! Please! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Following is a paid advertisement for "Tracy and Nick - Bloggers Forever"

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to listen to two of your favorite bloggers on a hifidelity CD? Well, wonder no more. For just $19.95 you can purchase the amazing Tracy and Nick - Bloggers Forever CD. Listen in to it in your car, office, or house. Amuse your friends, or just relive the most amazing moments of blog history over and over. That's right for only $19.95 the king of xanga and the queen of myspace can come right to your very own CD player. That's right, no computer needed! Who can forget the amazingly hilarious, "Well I'm in a bad mood because nobody likes me", or the always poignant "My foot tastes like shoe." The memories abound in this 62 minute full length collection. Get yours today!

The Beav said...

HARSH! BESIDES, I BLOG ONLY ON BLOGGER. Jakob Beltcher blogs on xanga. I think he should be the king of xanga. I'm more of the court jester.

Anonymous said...

true, true. And as to Harsh. It depends on your interpretation of my comment.

The Beav said...

I knew it wasn't actually harsh. I laughed alot, and then googled the selection. Thought it would be a great cd to add to my collection. I saw it as strictly humorous.I laughed so hard that Milk came out of my nose....but I wasn't drinking Milk. Thats not good.