Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm Not That Funny Today (1/2 Revised and 500% more Humbled)

So, today is a better day! My neck hurts a little still, but thats ok (I am the personal lackey to Mr. Cowan III, thats a pain in the neck enough). My knee isn't as swollen, but still aches when I kneel on it. Nothing too funny has happened today, but late last night sure was a blast! Made the rest of the day null and void. Got to hang out with a few people I like.

Chili's where only one person knows your name. The group and myself went to eat at Chili's where the best waitress (at a restaurant we can afford to eat at) works. Ana, she is by far one of the best waitresses on the market. Witty, sarcastic, and downright funny (she constantly puts Le in his place). Its nice to go somewhere that a waitress expresses joy in the fact that I am sitting in her section. I don't get that much, but I imagine the reaction is kept a little more secret the other places I go. Apparently, Harley thinks of tall blonde waitresses everywhere he goes. Then the awkwardness begins. You just had to be there. At the next table, you can hear Mr. Belcher talking about killing type 1,2, and 3 robots (by the way, I kill robots with my mind), and later black holes on Earth (thats me at an all you can eat icecream parlor). But thats beside the point.

Tonight, 'World Domination' takes another shot at getting to a winning record, although I'm not holding my breathe, but I am the leading scorer on the team (dodges bullets whizzing by). We'll see. We play those darned baptists. Dirty bunch of players. I'll have to step it up a knotch. Be a hockey enforcer. Take a penalty or two to inspire the guys. (That or find a corner and ball up and cry.)

Ok, two notes to Le', and one to Adde. First Adde, I feel you do read quite a bit. You read a lot of this drabble that I post every day. Besides blogging is fun. Oh, Batman IS Mr. Cowan II. I mocked the father of Le'. Some lackey I am. Ok, Le' I will whip that A&M bunch into shape. I'm going to have them run 10 miles a day. Two, dollar store cookies, YUM INDEED! Now, I'll just have to unleash Krag Maga on those raccoons. (Still going to get you a coon skin hat.) Man, my rants have no cohesion today. Just constant racket. But my spelling is near perfect! HAHA!

Oh, my God. What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right, that would be me. Back to work.


The Beav said...

You forgot my name? Did I miss something? I forget my name all the time! Thats why my mother had to sew my name on the waistband of my tighty whities (sorry tmi).

I'm glad that I'm more exposure than a book. Although, I think it would be really cool to be published. I think I might try and write a book. Something funny. Witty. Just a riot. Wait, this is me we're talking about. There would be so many hillbillyisms and misspelled words, the world population would be dumber if I did such a thing. So, I'll just open up a store called, "I've got worms"!

Fortune cookies always tell the truth. I base all my major decisions on them. I got one that said I'll, "attend a party where you will experience something new that will change your life." I did, it was a party where I met Le'. And as Paul Harvey says, "and now you know, the rest of the story." Of course the last one I got said, "don't spit into the wind". Well, I listened, and spit with the wind....and let me tell you. Flem flies further with the wind.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, one time a fortune cookie told me I would become King of Siam. I think we all know how that turned out!