Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I'm Not That Funny Today

So blah. I broke my funny bone. My head hurts, and its a lousy day. I think I'll go play in traffic. You might be wondering why. Let me tell you why. Well first, World Domination was, well, dominated. Indoor was aweful. I have a busted up knee that is swollen like a grapefruit, a migrane headache that makes me wanna just bash my head into a wall, thinking it will hurt less than if I were to just sit here with a throbbing head (I know if I took some form of painkiller, I'd probably be ok, but thats not the point). I feel bad for Miss Alfeo, because I talked her into comming to the game, and it didn't turn into an entertaing game (I scored 2 goals against my own team, and if I lived in a foriegn country, I'd already be dead). Plus, the poor thing had to stand next to Mark, and a beavy of screaming freshmen girls. I'd have shot myself in that situation, but I am sure since most of my team is foreign, someone is already carrying a bullet for me. I really stink at soccer (and in general, guess I need to learn what soap is). So on to today.

I've gone to class, done my thing. Heard the professors teach, and complain about us students who don't care about the material. But then again, thats common practice for these profs. Funny thing happened to me on the way to school today. Saw a Dakota with 2 flats on the side of the road, went to offer help, and was looked at like I was the second comming of Freddy Crueger (maybe its the facial hair, I wore my bunny shirt today as well). Why do people not trust each other now adays? Has this whole world gone to the pissbucket? Its so frustrating. When I moved down here to Corpus, I had 2 tires go out on my truck (gone flat). Someone came up and offered me help. At first, my father said we could fix the problem, but in the end, we accepted the help. Turned out the guy who was helping owned a tire store. It was after hours, and he went and opened up his shop to set me up with 2 new tires. 2! This was a true blessing to show that my initial calling for my life brought me down here to Corpus, and that the enemy, who had quite a grip on me, didn't want to let go. HOORAAH! for the man upstairs. I'm so thankful for his wanting to place me on the right track. I just wanted to return the favor. (I will not be discouraged).

Camping is comming up. I'm excited. I hope my knee stops hurting so I can really enjoy the trip. Placing armadillos in tents, shenanigans galore, and as Allie put it, "Dollar store cookies, cheap, and good enough for college students to eat". Yum.

I'm sorry that this post doesn't have any funny diolauge. I feel like I've let my public down. I'm a failure as a blogger. I didn't even have any dirt to post about politicians either. What will I do? Oh, I know, go make some potato soup. Yum, again.

We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwww, poor nick. you hurt your knee your head and your ego all in one game. humble?
thanks for dinner last night. anna is cool, and that was a good call on your part (going to Chili's). Hopefully it was a nice ending to an otherwise crummy day.
So did the two pillow trick work? Is your neck still hurting?
I hope you can whip the a&m crew into shape this weekend. dollar store cookies, indeed!
adde -
I thought you were only reading one book... hmmm. So, maybe if you didn't blog so much you could read more...