Friday, November 11, 2005

Lets Git Bit with Imbred Jed

Oh joy of joys. I go camping today. Camping with a broken leg. Well, its broke, but doesn't really hurt (I just like pointing out the fact that I have a broken leg). I get to spend a few hours in a truck with Mr. Hess. How fun is that? I think I'll blare some music, and that should keep him quiet. Well, if he starts to talk about J.B., I will kick him out and he will be walking. I do NOT want to hear about that mess. No offense. Anyways, camping is fun. Always has been, always will be. The best part of camping is catching all kinds of fun critters. Seeing what we can get our hands on. Maybe we can catch some odd and unusual kinda critter.

Le' thinks that I should have my own tv show, kinda like Steve Irwin, or Jeff Corwin. Wow, wouldn't that be fun? HillbillyVision. I can just see it now (Imagine a imagination thingy like you'd see on 'Saved by the Bell):
"Howdy ladies and gents, and welcome to anutha edition of my show, "Lets git bit", I'm your host, Imbred Jed, and today we're gunna lern how to wrangle dem dam gators. Oooo weee son! We'd be havin some fun tonite. Whatchagota do first is gets yous one of dem really bright spotlights. Then, yous lean over the front of yous flat bottom boat, and shine dat light all over da place til you sees dem gleemin eyes in da water. Theys gonna shine like the glimmer of da porch bug zapper, yet it will have the color of a 1976 Chevy flairside pickup truck. Den, here comes da tricky part...yous creap up real slow like, lean closer to da water, den you wrap your hands round its neck, and wrastle dat darn critter into da boat. Oooo weee son! We done and wrangled ourselves a real doozie of a gator. Check her out! Now watch as I stick my hand in her mouth, she won't even think abou........AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY HAND, DAT DARN GATOR BIT MY HAND OFF! NOT AGAIN! I JUST HAD IT SEWNED BACK ON! DAM YOU DAM GATOR! WELL, THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER EXCITNG EDITION OF "LETS GIT BIT", AND I'M YOUR HOST, WHO IS BLEEDIN TO DEATH, IMBRED JED..somebody please git me to da doctah. Oooo weee son!"
Yeah, I can just see it now. On second thought, I think I'll try and leave the critters alone. Ofcourse I mean I'll TRY.

So thats whats going on this weekend. Hopefully I don't lose a hand. Already got a broken leg, don't need to lose a hand. Y'all have fun of those of you not going camping. Hope your weekend is well, and you can handle the weekend of not having my posts to read about. I know you'll cope, and the pain will be insufferable, but you'll manage. My personality is addictive.

Are you seeing planes? Is your name Tattoo? Because I swear, you're living on Fantasy Island.


The Beav said...

No, I'm not cruel like that. I will find a new font color that will be more appeasing to your eyes. Maybe we a nice pink, or a light green maybe? Hmm, lets see if I can find an HTML code to place a poll on my blog, and I can have a vote to pick the new color. I appologize again for the discomfort of the color. Please forgive me.

The Beav said...

Don't feel bad. It is good to get that kind of critique. Thats what I value in a fan base. Constructive critcism. Don't feel bad. I'll buy you a bag of sunshine, and a rainbow if it will make you feel better (wow, that sure was sappy but very sentimental).

The Beav said...

Har Har Har.