Monday, November 28, 2005

Not Trying to be a Holy Roller

Now, I'm a proponent to reach out and strangle those who use blog space to write all kinds of fluffy information about God, religion, Christianity, or whatever else makes them sound like they are deep and well centered, when they don't quite carry out their lives as they should as loyal children of God. It comes across as what I have been reading in 1 Samuel. Eli has two sons who are working in the temple along with Samuel, and they are skimming off the top of all the offerings, AND sleeping with the door maidens. This brought ruin to Eli's house, and to this day that house will be judged. Although these two men claimed to follow the Lord and acted as if they were carrying out His word, they were infact leading lives that served only them. ( I write this not to belittle or judge those who choose to write such things, but merely state what I feel must be said.) There are those that use this medium to try and sound more Holy than others. I struggle hard to not pass judgement and let God deal with the matter, which He will, but I still struggle.

For this reason, I find it hard to write what it is on my mind. (I have been talking alot to the Lord tonite, and eagerly await his answer.) I have my thoughts, my prayers, and things I have learend through my quiet time studies. As a society we constantly find ourselves (it seems, and might be a gross oversight on my part, but I doubt it) revelling in the fact that God sent his only Son to die for us, to absolve us for all the sins of the world. God had to forsake his Son, the day he died, turned his back upon him, because the weight of those sins were so great He could not lay eyes upon Him. It is a great and wonderous thing that Jesus Christ died for us. Marvelous. Incredible. Awe-inspiering. Nothing any other god can boast. Not budah, not allah, not even bahl (sp?). We have a wonderful and loving God. He hangs on every word from our lips, and sees every beat of our heart. Yet as a people, His children, we take for granted what it is he did for us. We seem to act defiant towards this gift. Sometimes it would be better to treat our day to day lives as it were in the Old Testemant where God poured out his wrath upon his people when they did not show him justice. His children shook in fear of him, and everytime that we turned away, the ground would tremble, and God would wrap us across the forehead to lead us back onto the right path. How great a place it would be if daily we lived in this fear and adoration. As chosen children of God, we need to respect the great gift we have been given. Not abuse it. Life is too short.

Speaking of short, I have a thought upon why we, as people, have a problem killing our flesh daily (this is something Paul was adimant about doing every day so that he could serve the Lord fully with out hinderance). Our flesh cries for control because it lasts on this world only for a whisper among time. It lasts for only a mere flash, and then is gone, yet our soul which, if following what God has commanded, has eternal life. What a call for rebellion. The flesh will don anything to disrupt the path of the soul and heart to gain admittance into the congregation of the Lord. As of tonight, I have prayed to God to give me strength to achieve this goal.

From this day on, every aspect of my life has been handed ove to the control of the Lord. If it means I lead a congregation of thousands upon thousands like Joel Olsteen, share the gospel on the PGA tour like the late Payne Stewart (who I believe has a morning tee time with Jesus every day), or a following of 10 to 15 people, I will do so with no objections. I embrace any decision the Lord has for me, because he knows what is best for me. I want to be a light that is so bright that even in a room that is pitch black, everyone can see. This is a task that will not be easy. It will take alot of work, perseverance, courage, and humbleness for this goal to be realized. I just ask everyone to pray for me, my future ministry (whatever the Lord has for me), and for my close friends who are beacons of light and encouragement for me.


Anonymous said...

I comment! I comment!

The Emperor's New Groove. Classic.

How come all this articulatory goodness doesn't show itself orally?

Anonymous said...

He's a work in progress. As God changes his heart the abundance thereof will be different.

Fortunately, God doesn't judge us against others. He judges us against ourselves. He knows our hearts. And although sometimes our words and actions don't match up to what is in our hearts and minds, He knows our hearts.
Thank God we don't live in Old Testament times or else I would definitely be dead. I thank God for His mercy and grace. It is good advice not to take it for granted.
Thanks Nick, and keep on keep'n on.