Thursday, November 10, 2005

So That's Where the Pain is From

News flash, for those that are out there who care. My leg is actually broken. I have a nice little fracture on the front of my shin, about 6 inches above my ankle. I thought the pain was just a really bad bruise, but after close examination by the therapist on site (and the use of an ultrasound machine and many tears), it was determined that my shin was indeed broken. How sad is that? I have not had a broken bone since I was 7 years of age. Thats been 18 years ago. Let me break down that time span: we've had four presidents since then, cable tv has added 5,000+ channels, MTV used to play music videos, there were 2 NFL teams in LA. Uh, oh yeah, Le' was a freshman in high school. Thats how long it has been since I've broken a bone. I just hope that my osteoperosis doesn't hinder healing.

So you are asking yourself, or wanting to ask me, "Nick, how in the world did you break your leg?" . The answer is simple. Soccer. Man I love that sport. We lost again. We are a lot better than our 1 and 1 record shows (we won our appeal on our first game, they had an illegal player so our loss where I scored 2 goals for the other team is null and void). We mopped the floor with these bozos last night. But I missed a penalty kick in a shoot out that cost us the game. Thats life. I Beckham'd it. Too bad I'm not Frankie Lampard (none of you who don't follow soccer probably won't know him, but google the name anyways). So, thats how my leg got broken. No fun.

Today on campus, I ran into the best waitress (at a resturaunt we can afford). As I was talking to her, and proving that my 'online diary' did have a mention of her, Mr. Cowan III called. That was fun. Handing the phone over to him, with no clue who was on my phone. Hopefully, he didn't think it was my voice. I laughed hard.

Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow, its only a day...uh huh er um, yes tomorrow. Camping. I'm going camping! Not quite Guadalupe State Park, and no Nicole Wong to bubble with excitement to see me (which is sad), but the girls have a cabin. That means lots of armadillos to catch, and let loose, and no raccoons to loot our food. So, that means I might get one last post tomorrow before I leave, then 2 days of silence. I hope that my audience will be able to take the withdrawls of not hearing my jokes. I am a funny man. Ah yes. That is the life. Again, for those of you who missed the opening segment. My leg IS broken.

I suppose you could say that everyone has an El Guapo. For some, shyness may be an El Guapo. For others, lack of education may be an El Guapo. But for us, El Guapo is a large ugly man who wants to kill us!


Anonymous said...

And while you're at it be sure and visit Phree Phone! to get your very own free phone!

Lame consumerist script!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, sorry you broke your leg. But, you should have worn your shin guards!
Haha...ehm. yeah.
Maybe you should quit playing soccer? Yeah, right.