Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tis Hoorah! Tis Hoorah!

Oh my, oh my, oh my! Haven't I become a popular one!? This is truely amazing! I so enjoy people posting on my blog. Makes me feel like I might be cool (lets not push the envelope here). I've had up to 7 different people post on my blog! Even a friend from back in the ole' viewtown area (not sure how she found thi....oh wait, it was Xanga I'm betting, but it was awesome none the less). Keep those comments comming. I love it! So, Sunday night, I had the fortune to check Miss Christiensen through a mic stand. Broke the thing clean through. I should have played in the NHL, because I can hit like a mack truck (wow, my ego is really getting up there). At least things are slowly getting better.

I'm back at my old job, because business is picking up and they asked me back. Don't know how long that I'll stay though because I am really chapped, and I feel that I'm being called to leave. Yet, I have no job lined up, and I was prepared to take a leap of faith, and know that God will provide, but in the process of informing my parents, they blew a gasket, or atleast a couple of anurysims. Can't have my folks dieing on me, that wouldn't sit well. Sometimes I wish that I had the spiritual support at home that I do here (I feel like I let my family down because of how I hold true to my walk, and they've wandered off {not looking for sympathy, just stating a fact}). My mother went as far to say that she thinks its the church's fault that I've changed my ways (no sexual immorality, alcohol, or anything else that is displeasing to God). No one in my family likes it how I came to Corpus, hellbent on becoming an Occupational Therapist, and now, I really haven't a clue what I'm going to do after I graduate in the spring (come on! I'm finally graduating! Be happy for me!). It just burns. So back to me going to work, I had planned on turning in my 2 weeks notice today, but since I got such major resistance from my family, and since they do float me a couple hundred each month, pay for insurance, and my phone bill, that silly commandment God decreed about honoring your mother and your father, made me choose to not resign (atleast til I have a job lined up). This is a cut that really hurts. My mother gets into town tonight, and we'll talk, but I doubt that her view will change, if at all (thats life).

Now some happy news. World Domination has advanced to the finals of the Intermural Soccer Cup. Thats right boys and girls, thanks to a glorious strike from the teams master sweeper from past midcort, they advance to play the two time defending champions of the Cup. Tis hoorah, tis hoorah!(thats an aussie chant by the way). The final will be played Thursday night at 11:30 pm at the gym on campus, all those who can make it, please show up, we have flags to wave, and want to make sure we have enough to wave them (fans are great). Afterwards, I was told by the middle McDonald child that if I were 5 years younger, she'd date me....while on the phone with her boyfriend (thats really creepy). I wasn't so much as flattered, as I was terrified. Ah well. Come watch the game. Hopefully we'll win. Life is still good.

Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me. You only think I guessed wrong - that's what's so funny. I switched glasses when your back was turned. Ha-ha, you fool. You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", but only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian, when death is on the line.". Hahahahahah.


Anonymous said...

The Princess Bride, to be sure. Admirable choice.

Yeah, Adde, this quote is a lot of bluster about Italians. But if you recall, directly after that quote was given, the Italian keeled over and died. So there. Don't mess with us attractive blue-eyed mysterious people. We're awesome.

The Beav said...

Yes, mysterious and attracive blue-eyed people. We are awesome! Plus, we spell awesome with an E!

The Beav said...

well, since I am constantly given grief about my hillbillyisms. I guess not. hehe

Anonymous said...

Never lose your hillbilliness (is that a word)? This is told me about your blog site goober. Since you never seem to call or talk to me online anymore, I figured I could just read your blog and keep up with you. I'm too lazy to actually write a blog. Man, when you come back to Longview we need to hang out. I've actually been having a blast here. Good times, good times. You be good Nick and don't let the world get you down. You always have me to make you happy. =)