Monday, November 14, 2005

Tis the Season I Detest

Apparently I need to focus on the colors that I use to post on my blog. I'm looking for the html code to set up a poll to find that new color. So if anyone knows the code, please, let me know ASAP.

Camping, oh the joys of camping. I'm sure that somewhere there are pictures me on peoples myspace accounts. How sad is that? I really hate my picture being taken. People can say that I'm a bad sport, a baby about it, but you know? I really don't care....just like I don't like my picture being taken. Now if its a picture of me in the event of doing something, thats one thing, or even in a group, I'm fine with it, but the random individual picture, I'm not a big fan. Thats just me (that and I believe that cameras eat a piece of your soul with every shutter click). Blanco State Park, yeah, it ain't no Guadalupe State Park and Nicole Wong, but it was nice to get out of town even for a day and a half. Bochi (sp?) ball was fun. Lawn bowling. Now swimming after one in 70 degree water, not that fun. Who knew that camping gave EVERYONE gas? I thought that I had the ability to rip my britches, but I was with atleast 5 other people who had more gas than a Valero refinery. Seriously, there was so much methane released by the campsite, that there is probably a hole in the ozone after the excursion. Seriously.

Well, I'm back in civilization. Nice to be back home. Come back to dealing with Mark, working alot in school and at church. No complaints. I do hate this time of the year though. It makes me miss my family, and our great thanksgiving meals. Plus it reminds me that I am lonely. Would be nice to have a significant other I can coddle and spoil. That would be nice, and at the same time, she could be an uplifting intimately emotional presence in my life (Whoops, hope I don't start sounding like Mr. Belcher. Just stating what I would like to have in my life). I'm sure that the trend will constantly continued that every lady I talk to will say, 'I just wanna be friends'. Crikes, I'm so tired of that stinking line. Next lady that says it is gonna get slugged in the ovary. It sure is hard to find that one that is more precious than rubies. Of course, God has a plan, and when he feels its time for me to meet the one for me, it'll happen. Who ever she is. (maybe she'll change her mind after I punch her in the ovary). All violence aside (I could NEVER bring myself to strike a woman regardless), it would be nice to have someone to spoil. Maybe I should actually look into what the shipping costs really are for foreign brides, since I have yet to connect with a stateside lady. Poor poor pitiful me. Look, I've made myself cry.

Ok, enough sob story. I'm single, I have great friends, so who needs a special lady? ME THATS WHO! I'm kidding. I do have great friends. I don't want to think where I'd be if I didn't have the friends that I have. You guys are gifts from God. No doubt about it. Every week, it seems that yet another strong personality is introduced into my life, and my personality feels even more complete. So three cheers to you guys! 'HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY!'. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Job well done. Now hope y'all can forgive me if I forget when your birthdays are.

I haven't a clue what the week holds for me, other than I get to decide on whether I want to be an indian (native american if we have to be politically correct), or a pilgram (a prude member of a bunch of prudish people, that even the British told them to get lost). I don't know, pimp shoes could be cool, but going around and scalping people would also be fun (I have a skinning knife and we all know that I'm a spitting image of Daniel Day Lewis in 'Last of the Mohicans). Tonight, I have soccer, and I have to decide to try and play with my broken leg. We'll see. I am stubborn as history shows (tried to play 2 weeks after a complete separation of my tibia and fibula right above my ankle {high ankle sprain} so thats not a good precursor to what I'll choose to do).
And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...


The Beav said...

I'm always looking for good blogging material. Thats a given. And I can't believe you used that line on me before I even decided whether or not to date you (decided a good while ago that you were too good of a friend to let that dating crap mess things up. Look what it did to Le' and I...j/k). As I stated, I could NEVER hit a woman. Regardless of the situation (unless she pointed a gun at me of course, then I'd punch her in the ovary).

The Beav said...

Its a quote from "Anchorman" with Will Ferrell. He offers to punch Christina Applegate in the ovary. Sounds a bit out of the ordinary in terms of where to hit someone. Again, I don't condone hitting women...EVER.

Side note, here we go again, having another blogging conversation on a monday nite. We are real cool people (well, you really are cool, I just try to be cool).

The Beav said...

You are always cool. I tell you what. If you were and cooler, you'd be a cool breeze on a hot day for a Scottsman wearing a kilt. Now thats cool!